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Messages - - Robin.

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 47
Other Problems / Re: WTH admin Flaming...
« on: June 04, 2010, 07:53:17 am »
Dude. Thats how people make profit of your mistakes. Thats internet. Don't believe everybody. Nobody is giving it all, since its just a game. You lose, or you win.

Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of yourself
« on: June 03, 2010, 11:01:46 pm »
cool Pic Mustapha  <_<

well here is a new one  :rolleyes:
stupido :<. I almost bought that shirt lol =D. its still kewl one ^^.

I'm sooo lucky that I married you =D

Archive / Re: [Losers Round] Supposed2 versus Bioclock verus Raising
« on: June 03, 2010, 12:04:55 pm »
OH NO! The invisible bike is going to no show :[.

Neinieneinten luftballonz

obtw. Bioclock, I liked the idea of it, but I don't think its very hard after all :P.

The one to your left was my baby's best friend. She doesn't have a bf
How old is she, and you :P?

General / Re: Thank you
« on: June 03, 2010, 08:24:20 am »
lol alpha

anyways thanks Flippa and others ;). But yah some of the credits should go to Toch as well of course, for setting us up regions and stuff  =D.



for the win

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Signature opinions.
« on: June 03, 2010, 08:20:30 am »
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though.  Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/

The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake

:D like my signature xD


nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<

Why did you steal my signature? >.>

mehehehe you said your signature owns more then mine :(. so i took your signature, so it can't be more ownage :<

obtw rikimaru, invited. My xfire = frankfort if it didn't succeed =D

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Signature opinions.
« on: June 03, 2010, 05:55:18 am »
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though.  Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/

The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake

:D like my signature xD


nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<


no seriously, i laughed xD

Did you know that 87% of boys call people gay because they are actually gay them selves <3

I'm not gay, otherwise i didnt love you :( <3 xD

e/ Congratulations Sniffs, you just won! Your price is........

You will be in my signature <3

Omg thanks <3
I feel so priviliged (epic spelling fail)
But your signature will never own mine 8)
No, it's the same ownage like your signature now! :D


Oh oops. rofl part 1 :p.

anyways, ty zealous, even tho they are both very old :P

kewl. i use the middle one :>

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