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Topics - - Robin.

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Everything and Anything / Need help with my server
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:09:11 pm »
Hi guys..

I'm making my own server (just for fun), and I port-forwarded and stuff. But nobody can enter the server. I really don't know why they can't, because I port forwarded it good, and with a Portforward checker, there stands it's open.

And, if I go to my server, and watch xFire, there stands a random server on my name, that even doesn't exist. After some seconds it goes to mine, but nobody can join

EDIT: I have a Thomson Speedtouch ST706, and I use this tutorial: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Thomson-Alcatel/Speedtouch780v6/SA-MP_Server.htm (same settings and stuff)

Oh, btw.. This isn't advertising ^^. And dont watch my bad English ^^

Ban Appeal. / RobinOwnz' Ban Appeal
« on: December 29, 2009, 03:11:15 am »
In-GameName: RobinOwnz
Age: 12
Admin That Banned You:    [SX]Aristotle
Reason Given By Admin: bug exploiting.hacks.
Are You Sorry: Yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: Yes
Extra Info: First of all, I want to say that the "hacks" part isnt correct. I don't know how you get on that reason but k?. Bug exploiting, yes I did that. I founded it, and some guys asked how I did that, so I told some. I too told a admin. The bug was that you can walk on a stuntwar. I only tried it 2 times, but I thaught: Nothing to worry about, because I can't do any stuff. I can't go to a building, I can't jump on it. Not -.-. After the stuntwar (when I played normal), I get banned of the reason: Bug exploiting/hacks. I just found out the bug, and then I get banned because I found it!?

Hopefully not the end for me on WoS :(

Other Problems / All my money = gone!?!
« on: December 24, 2009, 03:31:20 am »
I had 5 million, then after the restart 2 million. Nka explained me everything, its fine now.

But, then I lost connection and now I only have 37 euro!? And when I did /q and opened GTA again, it was still 37 euro?.

Im now pretty pissed. 5 million gone -.-

Bigger image -.-

Other Problems / Reporting Spammer.
« on: December 21, 2009, 02:35:39 am »
I saw a spammer/advertiser in the server..

Can't you update the spam system? Bcause sometimes I see spammers, without getting kicked.

(BTW: He was id 55)

Other Problems / Paycheck bug?
« on: December 20, 2009, 01:27:12 am »
Eh.. I had a paycheck today, but there was standing that some money was taken? -1089?

Bigger image

Is this a bug, or not?

Ban Appeal. / Banned for saying *****?
« on: December 18, 2009, 05:54:48 am »
In-GameName: RobinOwnz
Age: 12
Admin That Banned You: Nka19
Are You Sorry: For saying *****?..
Will you read and accept /rules?: I already readed that :P
Extra Info: I was banned for making a joke. I was saying if you do /transfer Robin you get n00bmod.. Thats all.

Reason for ban: Hack advertising.

Videos And Screenshots / Editting Battle: Robin vs MqtH
« on: December 07, 2009, 09:44:27 am »
Hi guys..

Me and MqtH had an editting battle. Rate which one is better :)

Objective: None
Stunters: Electric and GangtaZ

Robin's Entry
Editting Battle - Robin vs MqtH

MqtH's Entry
MqtH vs Robin | Friend Battle

Vote plx :). (Is there an way to make an poll?)


This is my 3rd editting with GTA
This is my 1st editting with ENB Series (I think nobody sees it with this overedit)
My 2th video with GTA on YouTube

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