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Messages - RipazhA

Pages: [1]
Archive / Re: World of Stunting Soccer League
« on: December 23, 2008, 11:05:57 pm »
alright im in but i doubt ill be any good.

Introduce Yourself / Announcing Return RipazhA
« on: December 17, 2008, 11:40:34 pm »
Hello Everybody.

My name is RipazhA and i played on this server many years ago. I was a well respected member and stumpy and maybe even adminocneitdan will remember me. However for some reason my samp client screwed up and i was unable to connect to the server. I gave up trying to get it connected and moved away from the greatest stunting server ever.

Today, being really bored i decided to dowload the latest samp client and completely reinstall san andreas to find i sucessfully conected to the server.

  I am excited to meet some of you new people and learn some new tricks.


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