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Messages - RazorX

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 55
General / Re: Going on Holiday
« on: July 08, 2011, 01:45:15 am »
So where are you going?

Videos And Screenshots / Re: World Record?
« on: July 08, 2011, 01:44:39 am »
My friend has almost 20000 xD
Proof goddamit

Maybe he deleted it, when I was a year ago he had 18xxx. It's not so hard, just register in many sites and always ask them to send bullshit.

Videos And Screenshots / Re: World Record?
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:26:42 pm »
My friend has almost 20000 xD

Everything and Anything / Re: I rofl'd LITERALLY
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:49:42 am »
Unnecessary Sasquatch is unnecessary.
Unnecessary Topic ruiner is unnecessary.

Well it's his topic, he can do it with it what he deserves...

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Something to kill time :D
« on: July 06, 2011, 04:54:29 am »
World of Zombs, that would be fun to have indeed =).

Yes would be cool, but server should allow guys with cracked game to join, coz my CD is broke :(
Like that one we are playing, Both persons are able to join it :P
CD key or Activation or whatever key that is isnt on CD .. its on case or something .
Yes razor i had to DL it coz CD died, and it doesnt accept my CD key, say its already in use, which is weird :S
Excuse of saying he DL it? XD

It's normal if you have already used it on your first CD you won't use it on the other, I think.

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Something to kill time :D
« on: July 06, 2011, 04:02:50 am »
World of Zombs, that would be fun to have indeed =).

Yes would be cool, but server should allow guys with cracked game to join, coz my CD is broke :(
Like that one we are playing, Both persons are able to join it :P
CD key or Activation or whatever key that is isnt on CD .. its on case or something .

Excuse of saying he DL it? XD

Ban Appeal. / Re: S2000 Ban Appeal - forgot to read 1st post.
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:46:08 pm »
Hello S2000,

I need you to answer some questions before we continue this investigation if you would not mind answering them, that is.  Answering these questions will only help your chances of being unbanned, though not guaranteed.


1. Have you ever been banned before on the World of Stunting network, if so, what for?

2. Do you smoke anything other than cigarettes, or drink at all? (Optional)

3. What other information can you provide that is solid proof of these accusations of your friend?

4.  Does your friend have a World of Stunting Network Account?

5. How long have you been in this community?

Note*  With that being said, these questions are to be answered in complete honesty.  Any questions that we feel are being faltered with will be terminated.  Answering these questions will not guarantee your unban, but can only help your chances.

Remember to be patient, and wait for a decision to arrive in your topic

In Regards,

-Zahvone ( Lead Administrator )

I don't think the number 2 or 5 are important. As I always heard, isn't everyone tracted the same, even administrators? So I don't think is it important the time he was in WoS.
And WTF is the number 2 for? You think he played drugged or something? Cmon...

Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of yourself
« on: July 05, 2011, 12:41:24 pm »
Actually, I took this picture on my phone, but I couldn't see where to press on the screen to take the picture, so I was looking at the phone screen via my PC webcam.
If that makes sense.

You're right, my pupils do look preeeetty dilated. Oh well.

Wouldn't be easier looking with a mirror? XD

Everything and Anything / Re: Rate the signature above you
« on: July 05, 2011, 12:40:23 pm »
Im not going to start a arguement, go rate signatures (: have fun xD

May I rate a steam sig? xD

Everything and Anything / Re: Leaving :P
« on: July 05, 2011, 11:57:16 am »
Didn't see you there in a while nor in the server, so this topic islike 'Remember meeeeeeeeee' XD
Anyways, GL in VC

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