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Messages - raising

Pages: [1] 2
Other Problems / Account Problem
« on: November 24, 2009, 08:44:14 am »
What happened to my account: RaisingTugas.
I got my new pc today and it don't allows me to change to it.
Help ?

Ban Appeal. / Re: ban appeal and sorry...
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:54:56 pm »
thanks a lot stumpy i wont let you down... and btw if you ever need help call me :)

Ban Appeal. / Re: ban appeal and sorry...
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:25:42 pm »
yes but admino unbanned me ....
and btw stumpy you dont know all the story...
i was stunting with ryo when i vanished to the Gim in LS, near CJ house, then i saw you and ice(i think) in the roof... i did /z and checked it out.
then you felt into some interior and i jumped 2.
first i was in a bar then i went to the VIP room, where Mandy and Ryere where there... sorry by going from interior 2 interior 2 interior i will never, but never do it again plz accept my apologize.

Best Regards, Raising

Ban Appeal. / ban appeal and sorry...
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:13:13 pm »

Ban Appeal. / ban appeal o.O
« on: January 29, 2009, 04:28:01 pm »
Admin That Banned You:Stumpy
Reason Given By Admin:Bug abuse
Are You Sorry:yes...
Will you read and accept /rules?:i know them -.- theres no bug abuse in /rules but in TOS there is...
Extra Info:i didnt know that was the VIP room i was teleported dunno how

Ban Appeal. / Re: EL_BARTO banned for ban evasion
« on: January 29, 2009, 04:26:06 pm »
you were banned by miself.
i saw you hacking 3 times in the server.
1-kicked cuz i was lvl 1
2- banned
3-ban evasion

Server Updates / Re: World Of Stunting 2.7
« on: January 29, 2009, 10:36:16 am »
nice new things admino you have to remove the NO ramps here messsage now xD.
well /v is *****

Ban Appeal. / my ban appeal
« on: January 26, 2009, 10:02:27 am »
In-Game Name:Raising
Admin That Banned You: admino
Reason Given By Admin:i own the server so i do whatever i do
Are You Sorry:HELL NO
Will you read and accept /rules?:im an expert on then... i got banned cuz i was following them
Extra Info:it was very unfair admino... i just wanted to relax and ASKED you if you can let me...i even said please...please unbann me, i just whana work as admin... and i love the server...PLZ admino :-[

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal - TommyK1D
« on: January 22, 2009, 11:52:30 am »
yah man youre were hacking im absolute sure.
sorry to take to long but
Perm ban.

Everything and Anything / Re: Surge and Raising deserve a raise! :D
« on: January 16, 2009, 01:24:46 pm »
man admino decides what he want to do but ty for the support guys

Pages: [1] 2