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Messages - PaTt

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Suggestions Archive / Re: Should Players Get A Say In WoS?
« on: November 27, 2010, 02:49:51 am »
Razor, seriosly all you post these days is negativity. If you actually cared about the server you'd try to help instead of putting the community and the server down at every chance you get.

Suggestions / Re: Help us, Help you!
« on: November 26, 2010, 06:10:19 am »
A lot has gone down since Rymich got it but I think that we can get this server up like the way it was with just a bit of commitment from everyone. It seems like many people are complaining a lot but not many people are doing anything to help.

If we at minimum get this forum post up and going to atleast make even the slightest chance of a start to what we are heading for, I reckon we would be able to do it. But, like I said, we will need a ton of supporters in achieving it. This isn't a one man job.

I agree with idontwannaname on the "insider sort of" job, but there aren't many people out there who are like that. Plus if that happens, we also need to take care of the fact that they won't go mad with power or stress. I think, what we should do is, if we do what idontwannaname said I think we should make a poll and vote on who we think would be the best person for the job. That way the community knows the person well and trusts their instinct.


Suggestions / Re: Help us, Help you!
« on: November 26, 2010, 12:35:46 am »
So let me get this straight dale, Your idea of "having fun" is getting drunk on a game and make women feel like they are just objects? To me that isnt fun.

Riki I bow down to you for making this topic even though I was there when you made it :) But, on topic, like Dale said i think all we need now is Hidden's big update. But since Ryan and Hidden are arguing, i dont think that will happen anytime soon.


Suggestions / Re: Can we have radios?
« on: November 21, 2010, 11:40:36 pm »
Captain Zealous saves the day.

Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of yourself
« on: November 21, 2010, 10:01:41 pm »

Ban Appeal. / IP banned due to Immatureness.
« on: June 15, 2010, 05:44:00 pm »
In-GameName:My real in game name is PaTtYcAkE but i used a ban evader's name (ronaldo_raull)
Admin That Banned You:[JJT]Black_Ice
Reason Given By Admin:advertising hacks/spam
Are You Sorry:Deeply
Will you read and accept /rules?:Yes and i have done so a while ago
Extra Info:
I have taken a few days to think of my actions before posting this topic. I would like to apologise to Black Ice and the WOS community for going on WOS with a different account and spamming a hack. I have fully read the ToS and understand it. The reason i done this was because I was idiotic and immature at the time. The day I did this I had no idea on how or what the circumstances turned out to be and I know you guys will make the right decision for the WOS community.

Archive / Re: [Losers Round] PattycakeSX versus Sasha
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:28:31 am »
No kooz it was a horrible entry but i was forced by nka :D <3

Archive / Re: [Losers Round] PattycakeSX versus Sasha
« on: June 13, 2010, 10:13:41 pm »
SL round 3

Look i wasn't gunna enter but Nka made me so here's my shit entry...

Archive / Re: [Losers Round] PattycakeSX versus Sasha
« on: June 13, 2010, 03:29:46 pm »
Lol kooz its funny cos that was the one i watched :P

Archive / Re: [Losers Round] PattycakeSX versus Sasha
« on: June 12, 2010, 03:27:13 pm »
ah crap :( well i better go watch a vid to see how to set one up lol cos i can do em just cant set one up :P

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