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Messages - PaTt

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General / Re: WorldOfStunting | Let It Snow
« on: December 12, 2010, 08:08:56 pm »
EDIT: Nvm sign me in :)

General / Re: SFFD(San Feirro Fire Department) Offical Thread!
« on: December 08, 2010, 03:17:51 am »

I'm banned from something I never even joined in the first place. Well, Whatevs aha have a fun time Dale and good luck! :D

Ban Appeal. / PaTt's Appeal
« on: December 06, 2010, 04:00:35 pm »
In-GameName: PaTt
Age: 16
Admin That Banned You: Rikimaru
Reason Given By Admin: Griefing and Player Disrespect
Are You Sorry: Yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: I have read both the ToS and the /rules and I have learnt to follow them properly.
Extra Info: I apologise.

Player Reports / Re: Report:PaTt
« on: December 06, 2010, 03:36:43 am »
Dale,  if you honestly didn't care about you losing mod then why have you gone on about it ever since you lost it, why have you let it create all of this? I don't insult you, i'm joking with you, IDC if you don't think i am, well I am its my sense of humuor deal with it. Plus i still haven't heard you admitting that you also flamed me after those pics too? Oh wait, I think everyone in this server knows by now that you do NOT own up to ANYTHING!

I think it's amazing that your trying to get me banned plainly just because you don't like me. I literally never did anything terrible enough for a report. Not to you, not to pulp, not to riki, not to zealous not to anyone. I admit, I do go a little to far sometimes, but I mean come on? Who doesn't? It's natural, it's part of the learning state where you learn that some things musn't be said. So now, you don't want me to grow as a person? You keep saying I should grow up. Yet, have you looked in the mirror lately? Your a full grown adult dude, just act your age and move on. Like I said before, what I said isn't bad enough for a report, all your trying to do is get publicity for yourself when in reality your just degrading yourself.

I am done with this chat all your trying to do is make me so mad that I will go on a rampage and then you will have clear evidence.

Until you get clear evidence of something that is so terrible it has to be dealt with,
I'm done with this thread and i'm done with all the shit your trying to put on me.


Player Reports / Re: Report:PaTt
« on: December 06, 2010, 03:14:32 am »
Save your breathe dude. I know deep down you want to "hurt my feelings" but you know also that this is a public place so you won't show what you truely feel in this situation. And No, your not trying to report me, your trying to show your old fellow admins that your are trustworthy and can handle situations but in reality your powers were taken from you and you just can't get over that fact. I think it's sad considering the amount of shit you try to lead on to me when the only thing i've ever done to you is joke with you then you took it to heart. Now, ofcourse i'm not going to know if it hurt your feelings dale, your on the other side of the world. But I said it like we were old pals and like I said we have been through this. I call you pathetic because look what your trying to achieve, on a game, absolotly nothing. With the evidence you have, it isn't solid evidence. you never showed the beforre and after pictures. 

Player Reports / Re: Report:PaTt
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:56:04 am »
Dude see what your doing you won't even let me voice my opinion because all you say is "i dont give a damn what you say", why don't you just act your age and not your show size dale. Trust me this hasn't been going on for that long dude but your acting like it is your life. Also I like how you completely ignore the fact that YOU started it and also join in to the arguement BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER you were a mod. I can not stress that enough of how you say "i dont care im a mod anymore" BULLSHIT you dont! Every second sentence with you is talking about how you WERE a mod and how you WERE in charge. Get over it dude.

Why can't everyone just play the fucking game. It is people like Dale who wreck the community for others by creating rumours, spreading them, then blaming other people because he can't admit to his own faults. I have had enough of you and your pathetic friends who just think its "fun" to gang up on somebody. Sooner or later your going to piss someone off so badly that you will regret it Dale and noone will be there to back you up just like your "online friends". Leave me, my friends, the community, admins, moderators, everyone in society alone because all you do is create such a catastrophy that never ends up well on your behalf.

Player Reports / Re: Report:PaTt
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:42:07 am »
No I haven't Pulp. Rikimaru and Zealous STARTED that and Riki was lucky enough to keep his admin because if I'd have saved that conversation he'd be gone. Dale started this one too since ages ago when he gave me shit and I just defended myself. The only reason your all putting this against me is because you have proof yet if I'd have saved all of the conversations ENTIRELY it'd be a different story. So don't come and try to act all "macho" on me Pulp when this has nothing to do with you.

Player Reports / Re: Report:PaTt
« on: December 06, 2010, 01:14:53 am »
Oh.My.God dale we have both been through all of those photos and ive literally explained each and every frigen one of them. Ever since you lost your admin/moderatorship you do what you can to annoy me and mike to a point in which we can't handle it, just because you lost it because of us. Seriosly all your doing now is just complaining, you don't get your way so you find a way to make me look bad. I've never had anything against you Dale personally, so I just think your just trying to get attention and get your position back.

Plus i know what video your going to upload but I have witnesses that will confirm that both YOU and Matt_Bird were "ganging up" on me after you shot that video. I don't know what type of "personal gain" you get from teaming up on someone Dale. I've been on your side for ages now. I was on your side when people were bullying you when you got the admin and I was on your side when you lost it. I don't see what you have against me to keep annoying me to a point where those outcomes come from. If i'd have filmed/screenshoted the story before and after those pics it would be a different outcome now wouldn't it Dale?

Fuck this. I'm not wasting my time on this.   

Suggestions / Re: Can we have radios?
« on: December 04, 2010, 05:09:25 am »
See? they r both in police or fire silly gangs Im talking about the entire community not just a minority dude.

Suggestions / Re: Can we have radios?
« on: December 03, 2010, 01:39:53 am »
All you want radios for is to make your little firefighting gang on WoS seem more real. IMO this is only going to help one area of people and not the entire community. So i disagree on this.

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