« on: December 06, 2010, 03:36:43 am »
Dale, if you honestly didn't care about you losing mod then why have you gone on about it ever since you lost it, why have you let it create all of this? I don't insult you, i'm joking with you, IDC if you don't think i am, well I am its my sense of humuor deal with it. Plus i still haven't heard you admitting that you also flamed me after those pics too? Oh wait, I think everyone in this server knows by now that you do NOT own up to ANYTHING!
I think it's amazing that your trying to get me banned plainly just because you don't like me. I literally never did anything terrible enough for a report. Not to you, not to pulp, not to riki, not to zealous not to anyone. I admit, I do go a little to far sometimes, but I mean come on? Who doesn't? It's natural, it's part of the learning state where you learn that some things musn't be said. So now, you don't want me to grow as a person? You keep saying I should grow up. Yet, have you looked in the mirror lately? Your a full grown adult dude, just act your age and move on. Like I said before, what I said isn't bad enough for a report, all your trying to do is get publicity for yourself when in reality your just degrading yourself.
I am done with this chat all your trying to do is make me so mad that I will go on a rampage and then you will have clear evidence.
Until you get clear evidence of something that is so terrible it has to be dealt with,
I'm done with this thread and i'm done with all the shit your trying to put on me.