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Messages - Paraflax

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Everything and Anything / Post a picture of yourself
« on: November 14, 2008, 05:24:30 am »
Well, yer not getting a pic of me ya fannies! =D
Anyways, Moonlight is a guuurl! (I think..)

Introduce Yourself / Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!
« on: November 14, 2008, 05:11:34 am »
Hey there folks! Some of you have probably seen me hanging around on the server, boobing around.
Well, I'm Paraflax, very new to stunting, and thanks to Hinza - I started to atleast try it out yesterday.

I'm 15, live in Sweden (duh, Sweden pwns!), and I'm very keen of computers.
Not sure what else there is to say really, so I'll just stop writing.. Just about.. NOW!

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