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Topics - Neo_Troof

Pages: [1]
Everything and Anything / Back...
« on: May 31, 2009, 11:04:34 am »
Yeah, I'm back ppl! Long time i havent been here, anyways, i hope none forgets me.
And also: I wanna thank admino for unbanning South America (Even if its temporal and we get banned again rofl)


Other Problems / Problem in forum...
« on: April 01, 2009, 04:46:53 pm »
I got a little problem.
Seems that i cant enter Forum (Without a proxy, that im using now ofc...)
Err, help me?

Everything and Anything / Dont expect to see me...
« on: March 06, 2009, 02:17:15 pm »
Well guys. This can be taken as a goodbye for a long time.
As im starting school on monday my mom says that i wont be able to use the PC for longer than 1 hour as i need to study(Thing that i do... But she wont believe me). And i use 1 hour to see other things, as i need to check much things that i wont tell atm.
If u see me it wont be for too long. Maybe on Weekends u'll see me... And i hope so...
Nothing else to say...

Other Problems / HUDmode
« on: February 26, 2009, 05:55:38 am »
Guys, got a problem.
I need to turn off the HUD on SAMP, i went to SA-MP forums and i found out that HUDmode does that.
Now, is HUDmode allowed here?

Pd: If its on a wrong place move it, dunno where to post it.

Everything and Anything / Happy St. Valentin Day
« on: February 14, 2009, 07:20:35 am »
I dont how the fuck it's spelt but w/e

Happy St. Valentin day for everyone...

Everything and Anything / I MISS YOU ALL!!
« on: February 10, 2009, 04:09:19 pm »
Ok, i've been outta WoS for like 5 days, and i miss you all guys :'( , Chip, beat, surge, hurri, stump, odd, JaT, etc.

good things are happening to me atm luckily, most with my GF :-D.
I'll keep checking forums if i can.

From Tucuman

troof xD

Other Problems / Keys problem
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:55:46 am »
I have a problem. In game, my front hydros go up automatically and its like the key ID 2048 (Front hydros) its stuck. I've tried deleting gta_sa.set, even tried tapping the keyboard but the key wasnt stuck to the keyboard, what can i do? Its pretty annoying to use with binds

Everything and Anything / My glass thingys
« on: January 19, 2009, 04:40:40 am »
Ok, i'm bored, so i asked Twitch and WaFF if i should post my glass things. Here they are!

This one its a lamp.

Tell me what u think. And all its made by me...

Modding / Mah New Bike
« on: January 15, 2009, 04:00:42 pm »
Ok guyz, My brand new bike made by Oddisy.

What u think of it?

Pages: [1]