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Messages - Mustapha

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37 ... 46
Ban Appeal. / Re: Mustapha's Ban Appeal
« on: December 12, 2010, 02:39:44 pm »
Who's "ja to"? We have no admin named like that. And did you got banned in-game and you got the banning text with reason "YES" or happend just when you come and try to go online?
admino is admino, and i got banned in-game for apparently no reason. When the banning text which gives you the reason why you're banned, it said " reason: YES"

But if you don't believe I did anything wrong, ask Brosch91

Ban Appeal. / Mustapha's Ban Appeal
« on: December 12, 2010, 02:07:56 pm »
In-GameName: Mustapha
Age: 16
Admin That Banned You: Ja to
Reason Given By Admin: "YES"
Are You Sorry: No, I did not do a single thing wrong. I know he got demoted, but why da f*** would he ban me?
Will you read and accept /rules?: To be honest, I'm tired of reading them.
Extra Info: Please keep this server in order. You can't just promote any random person to admin status, even though they were one previously.

General / Re: WorldOfStunting | Let It Snow
« on: December 12, 2010, 02:02:29 pm »
Want a main editor? I can do it.

EDIT : I'am christmas not home. I can edit it right after christmas.
Yeah sure, why not? You haven't edited for..quite while now, so I'm giving ya the chance!

Thank you, send me the replay files when u have all.. and I'll edit it.
 Wait. Since Robin is the organizer, he told me that the Collab will be split into parts.

So for instance, if the video is 3:00, he edits 1 minute of it, you the other minute, and me the other minute.

I'll talk to him and try to convince him to let you edit

3 Parts and 3 editors? do you really want to rape that video...

Everyone has diffrent way to edit so it would look bad

General / Re: WorldOfStunting | Let It Snow
« on: December 12, 2010, 01:55:06 pm »
Want a main editor? I can do it.

EDIT : I'am christmas not home. I can edit it right after christmas.
Yeah sure, why not? You haven't edited for..quite while now, so I'm giving ya the chance!

General / WorldOfStunting | Let It Snow
« on: December 12, 2010, 12:48:29 pm »
..... To add to the Christmas Special feature on WoS, Robin has organized a new collab specially for this year's

No, I'm not editing it ALL. Robin is thinking of me and him sharing parts, but getting back to the main point we OF COURSE need stunters. The deadline of signing up will be on the 18th. And the upload deadline is on the 23rd.

This is how it is so far:


Kykinson(sent in stunts)
Koraki(sent in stunts)
Mak(sent in stunts)
Supposed2 (sent in stunts)
SampStunta(sent in stunts)
PatT(sent in stunts)
TuTeVs(sent in stunts)
Sniffilicious(sent in stunts)
Ryoere(sent in stunts)
Paranoid(sent in stunts)

So, I'm hoping you guys sign up!

My xfire - mirako0l

Sorry for any inconvinience.

Videos And Screenshots / Re: WoS Collab (Finally)
« on: December 12, 2010, 04:52:17 am »
And I thought you loved the Magnificent guy

Videos And Screenshots / Re: WoS Collab (Finally)
« on: December 12, 2010, 04:24:36 am »

And yeah lol 3 months and it's not even overedited!

Wow.... so you're the type of person who just cares more about the edit ey?
You weren't even in it, do not judge the vid by it's edit. I'm not an epic editor as many people know.

If I cared only about the edit it would be 1/10
Thanks. Oh if you think so, why won't we both have a friendly edit battle?

Hello Santa,

I only want 1 thing :

A picture of RobinOwnz <3

Humor / How fast can you type the alphabet?
« on: December 11, 2010, 01:18:09 pm »

You must have proof of your time.  &lt;_&lt;

I got 3.936  B)

EDIT: 3.489

Other Problems / Re: GTA Sucks
« on: December 11, 2010, 12:33:10 pm »
I heard ya like Alt+Tabbing, so we put a tab on your alt + tab so you can minimize while you can minimize

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