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Messages - Mustapha

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26] 27 28 ... 46
Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of yourself
« on: April 20, 2011, 03:22:50 am »
Kubson, for some reason you kinda remind me of Ozzy Osbourne :P
Me very exhausted at College!

Koochie Koochie Koo

I wanna squeeze ya cheeks

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Bioclock's New Untitled Solo
« on: April 19, 2011, 05:43:54 am »

But eh, laggy a bit ya know?

General / Re: Recapping Our Progress.
« on: April 19, 2011, 05:38:10 am »
The population is growing honestly without advertising, etc. 2 days ago or something we had an ammount of 40 players in the server. It's still growing and i noticed that more people who just joined the server actually stay in this server :).
That's great to hear!

But still, don't we just think, there's STILL something missing? That little extra touch ya know.

General / Recapping Our Progress.
« on: April 19, 2011, 02:58:25 am »

I made this topic specifically to talk about if players are happy about the state of the server, since the tragedy happened when..... well lets forget about it.

So first of all, we need to see if we are losing players or gaining players, or if not, are we staying the same?

What I mean by this is if the amount of online players, and popularity of WorldOfStunt is increasing or decreasing.

To some extent, are there any problems which need solving? Doesnt matter how little the problem is, as we all know, every little helps (high five Tesco).

Promotions? Advertisements? Im sure this has been mentioned before several times, but I should say it once more, get out voice heard, and lets beat the other hosted servers ey.

Lets get our brains opened, and think about ideas in how to improve gameplay in our server, make newcomer's, in fact PERSUADE newcomer's minds to not leave our server, and bring in their friends and so forth.

Just keep in mind that I'm only trying to help, in a way. But overall my mark about the server in general is a big fat 8/10

General / Re: New solo
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:25:25 pm »
As long as I don't see REPLAY showing, I'll watch it

Videos And Screenshots / Re: edit test with Kykinson's stunt
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:19:46 pm »
i didnt asked your opinion so gtfo, and idc coz im not gona be editor, i just make it for fun, and w8, the guy That cant remove the damn replay thing, and make Clean videos is teaching me?

General / Re: New solo
« on: January 04, 2011, 07:39:33 am »
after 3 more votes we'll c. I'm editing..

BTW.Im not leaving..WoS is leaving us
Uh... no it isn't?

eXpie is planning to buy the server, and Rymich accepted the deal [THUP]

How come I don't see the map, even though I have /objectson enabled? :unsure:

General / Re: New solo
« on: January 04, 2011, 01:11:50 am »

Use your 3rd song, and use the logo of how far we've come too.

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