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Messages - Mustapha

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 46
Region 2 / Match 17 - Basium vs Supposed2
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:36:30 am »
Here it goes, Supposed2 vs Basium.


Best edit, no longer than 30 seconds.

You have 4 days to complete your challenge, otherwise you are KNOCKED OUT.

Good luck




World of Stunting Leagues / Re: Region 1 Results
« on: May 02, 2011, 08:37:23 am »
Sure will, you can count on me.

hmmm ok ... but for the next ... how can i get the information about the edit stuff and whom I have to show my video ... i tried to added mustafa but there came no answer ...
sorry for my unknowledge ^^
next time maybe .... ^^

Next time.

You should check the forums more throughoutly there and then!

World of Stunting Leagues / Re: Region 1 Results
« on: May 02, 2011, 06:49:29 am »
mxz- The edit is not the best because the effects made the video unclear.
Kakulacius wins
You call it an explain? :unsure:. How the fuck can a fx make a video unclear? I don't say that my edit is perfect, but at least, it has a feeling, an atmosphere, like a REAL edit.

Match 9
Kakulacius- Your edit is good, because the effects are great,also it's well synched.
lol? The fxs are ONLY automatics ones, and they are not even sync with the song, da fuck?. The only things which are sync, it's the transitions in the beginning lol. His cam angles don't have any feeling, it's like he did that randomly, the only thing which looks pretty good, it's the "slowmotion" if you put off that sucky automatic fx. No offence Shiff :P

I want to know why the fuck there are only unknown editor as judge? At least, find some people who know a bit about editing. No offence again :P
Dude. Seriously you're the one who isn't getting it.

Your entry was BLURED because of the CC, it was unclear, sometimes blur isn't right for some types of songs.

If you thought our judges would do a bad job, why didnt you suggest some for us + why join?

Get your ass to Region 2.
He said the fx, not the cc. I know that the cc are fxs, but it's not the fx he was talking about.

I joined because MqtH left and because I like editing some gta thing, but why didn't you choose the judges yourself? Tbh, they are not enough good in editing for explaining about an edit.
Yeah, your opinion.

But look, if you know your opinion will cause arguements and hurt other's feelings, why don't you keep the to yourself?  :unsure:

Humor / Re: Poundland
« on: May 02, 2011, 06:40:56 am »
Lol Poundland is everywhere!

World of Stunting Leagues / Re: Region 1 Results
« on: May 02, 2011, 06:40:26 am »
mxz- The edit is not the best because the effects made the video unclear.
Kakulacius wins
You call it an explain? :unsure:. How the fuck can a fx make a video unclear? I don't say that my edit is perfect, but at least, it has a feeling, an atmosphere, like a REAL edit.

Match 9
Kakulacius- Your edit is good, because the effects are great,also it's well synched.
lol? The fxs are ONLY automatics ones, and they are not even sync with the song, da fuck?. The only things which are sync, it's the transitions in the beginning lol. His cam angles don't have any feeling, it's like he did that randomly, the only thing which looks pretty good, it's the "slowmotion" if you put off that sucky automatic fx. No offence Shiff :P

I want to know why the fuck there are only unknown editor as judge? At least, find some people who know a bit about editing. No offence again :P
Dude. Seriously you're the one who isn't getting it.

Your entry was BLURED because of the CC, it was unclear, sometimes blur isn't right for some types of songs.

If you thought our judges would do a bad job, why didnt you suggest some for us + why join?

Get your ass to Region 2.

sorry for this question but ... what I have to do now ??  :huh:
this is my first edit tournement sorry ...
You no showed. :/

Videos And Screenshots / Re: SIck footwork
« on: May 02, 2011, 05:27:04 am »
Beat it,
Being a dancer myself, his footwork lacked in some bits.

He needs to flow and let out, not be hard and straight.

Nonetheless it wasn't bad.

World of Stunting Leagues / Re: Region 1 Results
« on: May 02, 2011, 05:21:26 am »
Can someone notify Determined to post his results? I have no contact of him and we need the final votes so we can start round 2 soon.
I have already, waiting for his reply.

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