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Messages - Muki

Pages: 1 ... 40 41 [42] 43 44 ... 71
i am speechless. that means this is the end of the post.

nath shud have grinded it, and wouldhave gotten my vote. but my vote goes to Ryo :P

Everything and Anything / Re: Take a picture of your desktop
« on: August 01, 2009, 06:32:17 pm »
Just cleaned
E: Fail white area -.-

Everything and Anything / Re: Skype
« on: August 01, 2009, 05:29:13 pm »

Introduce Yourself / Re: Sup?
« on: August 01, 2009, 05:07:43 pm »
I am going up to year 10, so i don't needto tell you my age, because if you are intellegant, you will figure this out.

Actually your wrong about that. We cannot figure out your age if you dont tell us what age you go to school. Its different in many schools/countries
Anyways Hai

General / Re: How many times have you won the lotto?
« on: August 01, 2009, 05:02:55 pm »
i won once, with the number 43, months ago

Everything and Anything / Re: Post your pet!
« on: August 01, 2009, 04:59:24 pm »
My dog, saw the camera for the first time

Humor / Re: Owned
« on: July 24, 2009, 05:07:42 pm »
u know whats the hardest part about learning how to rollerblade/inline?
Telling your parents ur gay
i heard that one from a friend lol

Humor / Re: Freaking out,
« on: July 24, 2009, 05:04:14 pm »
did he try to stuff that remote up his... umm... arse?

Server Updates / Re: World of Stunting United
« on: July 24, 2009, 04:34:02 pm »
can anyone tell me how to install another SA so i could have normal SA and U ?

Edit: got the answer from Shoutbox, ty Twitch

Pages: 1 ... 40 41 [42] 43 44 ... 71