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Messages - Muki

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 ... 71
Everything and Anything / Re: DirectX 10 vs DirectX 11
« on: November 01, 2009, 03:38:05 am »
ima get a directx 11 card o.o
and leave my 8800gts deal with the physics >:)

Everything and Anything / my new intro
« on: October 31, 2009, 01:18:52 pm »
made by pulp, he said he put in a song that relaxes him sometimes
[00:07] -PulP: Its a relaxing song that I listen to when someone pisses me off or I get stressed
Muki's Intro
i like it, except the audio part

Everything and Anything / Re: What are you getting for Christmas
« on: October 31, 2009, 07:48:24 am »
Maybe an Xbox-360
same here, but i want 2 games also =)
hopefully halo 3 ( to pwn riki, roze, and freak )
and maybe forza 3 ( to pwn everyone that has that)
i want NFS shift :)
and colin mcrae DiRT 2

shift: less fun than i thought
DiRT 2: heard nothing but bad stuff bout it
get forza 3 =)

Everything and Anything / Re: Quick signature for CS:S slapped up
« on: October 31, 2009, 07:46:16 am »
nice one =)
the only thing i dont like about it is the font

Videos And Screenshots / Re: audi
« on: October 31, 2009, 05:20:20 am »
the crew closed anyways
that means the SL-s closed too? =(

Introduce Yourself / Re: Heeeeeeidiehooo.
« on: October 31, 2009, 05:17:43 am »
wbackky =)
and thanks to your uncle :P

Ban Appeal. / Re: Negus's unban appeal
« on: October 29, 2009, 10:04:21 pm »
Reason given by admin?

Everything and Anything / Re: Eyefinity
« on: October 29, 2009, 12:20:58 pm »
i can barely fit 1 monitor on my desk lol
2 if i'd get an lcd, but then 1 would have to be behind the other  :unsure:

Videos And Screenshots / i landed this o.o
« on: October 29, 2009, 12:18:58 pm »
im against plani, so i had to land something awesome  :ph34r:
u decide if it is or isn't
UCSL entry vs Plani

Overall I didn't really like this video, it was too slow and the music was just appaulingly bad for a stunting video.

Music 1/10
Editing 3/10
Stunting 9/10
Use of effects 5/10

Overall: 4/10

Good effort but it could have been done alot better, I was expecting alot more than was delivered.

totally agreed, except for the stunting part. I brought it down to 7 =) i wish i hada UF folder -.-

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