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Topics - MrKillas

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Donation page!
« on: April 29, 2011, 11:05:10 am »
Make a donation page on website.

Like if you donate a certain amount you will get such benifits!

I will donate :D but i would like some benifits, also like before my name in chat. <Donator>
Also make donate rank..

like if you donate 1 Euro you get <Little Donator>

3 Euro <Nice Donator>

5 Euro <Hot Donator>

7 Euro <Jackpot Donator>

10 Euro <Boss Donator>

Make the benifits get better as they donate more ! :)

hope it comes true :P

Videos And Screenshots / Life is odd (Samp Movie)
« on: April 29, 2011, 09:17:14 am »
Hi guys.
Ages ago i made this shoking video on my own server. It shut down. I decided to share it with you guys! :)
I really hope you like it i spent ages on it. It was rates top on Sa-mp forums one time and it was very popular. It was just me making a video. I hope i make i video like this with you. I love making videos for people.

My name used to be Fie just to let you know :P But Mrkillas is well better :P

Part 1: :'(

Part 2: :D

I hope you like it guys please comment about it and rate :)

Everything and Anything / Future games of 2012!?
« on: April 29, 2011, 09:07:29 am »
Hi guys!
Does anyone have any ideas what would be a good game for PS3/Xbox/PC?
Or does anyone know any games that are coming out in 2012?
i am looking to make my own PS3 FPS game as i do have the crew, designers, developers, animators because they are all my friends :P just need ideas :) My FPS game could be coming out late 2011 in like November or even 2013 :P

Suggestions / Radio! Great for fun!
« on: April 29, 2011, 08:47:57 am »
Hi guys :)
One of my suggestions is a radio FS.. the music comes from radios..
you can choose a channel and listen to it by typing /radio and selecting the channel.
I think it is really good and fun to listen to while playing! :)

Take a look at it, see what you think ! :)


Thanks :)

Introduce Yourself / Hello!!
« on: April 29, 2011, 08:44:51 am »
Hi im new here :)

I have played on the server for 1 hour in total on my /stats and i really love the server!

I play the PS3 but thinking of changing since there inccident they had. I love F.E.A.R 2 but its really scary!

I make videos! yes. i like to try and make top quality vids. If you havnt seen my videos be sure to type in youtube search 'stuntextremevids' cause i have made alot of cool vids and i am hoping to make one for this server because i absoluty love it!

I think i am going to be come a regular player here because it is just amazing and i just love the community it feels like one massive family that are really nice and help you :)

So yeh :)

Thanks, hope i will be able to meet you Ic :)

Pages: [1]