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Messages - Mike_Zombie

Pages: 1 [2]
General / What's UP!!
« on: July 15, 2008, 03:06:51 pm »
What's up?! Im pretty sure all of you who play on the server know me! =D
For those who actually don't:

~Im annoying sometimes...
~I like to pretend to rape people....
~This server has cool admins
~Im in Foster Care, which sucks balls.... (got put in on my birthday ='( )
~I know where stumpy lives...
~I am tired of people taking screenshots of me doing things (Not Normal) in the chat...
~I have been ManHandles 3 times so far in this server

So... that pretty much sums it up XD
So, I am really weird, and I am not at the same time, sometimes im serious... =) (Usually only when someone is pissing me off with all caps, or fuckin spamming, or just won't stop hacking and then saying he didn't when I saw =) ).

I like:

~Amanda_something (manhandled one time)
~Stumpy (manhandled twice ='( )
~Standards (and his car mods lol)
~This one person I forgot
~StuntKing (lol)
~And a couple other ppl Im too lazy to put on here

I want to meet:

~Sounderr (Who are you, I hear a lot about u! SAY HI DAMNIT!!)


All who know me, your probably sad now that I joined the forum, cuz you CAN'T Hide XD. lol..

General / Need active admins
« on: July 15, 2008, 02:56:03 pm »
*cough* uhh.... hey im on like 10hours a day, I got outa summer school now *cough*


I ALWAYS try to tell people No Caps at like 2am when no admins r online, and then they try to impersonate an admin with /me , and then they laugh... It's pretty gay... I try to tell them to stop. Sometimes they actualy listen though =D .
But mostly... not. ='(

General / Gongratulations!
« on: July 15, 2008, 02:52:53 pm »
Let's celebrate!!! Everyone come to my house!!! umm... when? Well, just ask Stumpy 4 the directions =D


General / Admins abused
« on: July 15, 2008, 02:48:36 pm »
That's very true =d
lol... at like 3am people start spamming like bitches, and just spam at eachother repeating exactly what they wre syain before... Really Gay. ='(


And for the person who read it incorrectly:

1. I have never seen ANY admin abuse their power... Unless they are trying to mess with me for fun =)
2. All admins on this server are probably the nicest of all the servers I played in the last 2 yrs.
3. Admins never call me a slut... they call me other things =) (nice things 2 me)

Pages: 1 [2]