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Messages - MINION

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Ban appiel
« on: March 17, 2010, 12:23:35 pm »
In-GameName: MINION
Age: 14
Admin That Banned You: [JJT]P1nts3L
Reason Given By Admin: Advertisment
Are You Sorry: yes I am very sorry, I can explain why he may have thought it was advertisment... Read "Extre info"
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes, I accept the rules of the server
Extra Info: I met my friend from school and we came to World of Stunting to talk, he told me about this server he goes on in /PM and I told him about the one I go on, in /PM to, an admin saw our chat and banned us both, my friend is unbanned so I have just made this appiel, very sorry

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