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Messages - Kubson

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 35
well not to be rude David but no one here cares about your brother :P

Everything and Anything / Re: Unexpected.
« on: June 03, 2011, 06:41:06 pm »
Farwell Gorgeous! You will always remain in our hearths, to me you were my dream, girlfriend, my wife and lover also best friend, sister. If it exist we will meet there, especially for you.


With friendship and love
Always yours,

Everything and Anything / Re: Awesome place
« on: June 03, 2011, 02:35:25 pm »
it looks nice i agree BUT if i could choice where i want to live it would be British Columbia in Canada


Ban Appeal. / Re: where is da unban?
« on: June 02, 2011, 06:23:16 am »
It's not about getting unbanned. It's about decision to unban person which understands his/her mistakes and is ready to not do them again or not. Especially for both of you (you and murat[yet he didint post appeal]). In my opinion you aren't ready to have your crucial mistakes and behavior forgiven. You probably think "why?", well because you were griefing again and also your appeal topic "where is da unban?" shows you a)dont understand it b) you dont give a "single fuck :)" and you want to troll even more. Wait for our decision.


Introduce Yourself / Re: Yo
« on: May 30, 2011, 03:33:52 pm »
if you would be dell you wouldnt advertise yourself here and your english isnt so good as his ;), anyway nice to see you on forums

Everything and Anything / MOVED: Yo
« on: May 30, 2011, 03:31:01 pm »

General / Re: Question
« on: May 21, 2011, 05:55:00 am »
Do you kids understand what we are stating here? its to you murat, robin and David (i dont care about pitsel). We ARE HAPPY WITH THE SERVER. None of you are playing on WoS and yet you know everything. So what we dont have super uber scripter he? We have Elliot who is doing hell of a job maintaining the server and keeping it alive. Also you seem to KNOW that WoS is dying. Well this is connected with your lack of brain cause you are still kids obviously, YOU DONT PLAY ON WOS every day people come here and say as usually what to do here, are here ramps etc. I started to be "noob friendly" and i teach them how to stunt like we all do and guess what, they come back. We're getting more and more players with every day. Also you dont appreciate Elliot saved the server because i suppose you are Rymich lovers, all of you. Childlish, stupid, ignorant trolls who want to be tough on the internet cause in real life you are bitches for everyone. Pushed around every day, being laughed at every day, every single minute of your pathetic lives. You do act like that because we are mature and we do not laugh from people cause we like to, let me tell you something. I love it i just control myself on WoS. You are nothing to me, you will never prove to any of us you are "badass" and you can evade everything and say everything. this will end. This is my last warning. I got enough of your attitude kids. If i will have to i will get rid of you, even if that means i will lose my moderator status. Murat, Robin and you David i have something to tell you: Go fuck yourself and go cry to your mothers because you have been insulted. From now on every bitching post you will do will be deleted by me.

WoS is getting players every day and like people said, we mostly play for community and what we already have. I dont need any updates cause im happy what we have


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