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Messages - JoyRiderKid

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / I`m the JoyRiderKid - Come See Why!!
« on: September 30, 2008, 10:17:49 am »
Quote from: Tango
I saw this guy speed hacking in the server. He was giving the worst excuses I've ever seen!

Well firstly u chat horse poop.
Secondly u chat horse poop.
Thirdly Same Again...And Again...

Introduce Yourself / Hello, I'm Nka17
« on: September 10, 2008, 05:59:23 pm »
Nka18 - AKA Nka17... You are a very good guy. I think alot of you mate! Everytime i been on you made it that little bit more fun!

Cheers! and thanks for all the help u give being a admin!

Introduce Yourself / I`m the JoyRiderKid - Come See Why!!
« on: August 25, 2008, 06:42:47 pm »
Quote from: stunting4fun
Wow , you got quite an imagination my dear fellow  Now come on baby  .....tell me the real story lol .


you can't make a good reputation in these forums by making up stories you know .....that's a fact , not a personal comment..there is something called "WORKING HARD" should try that ( in this case ) with stunting OR art , since ur in a forum where the most popular subjects are art and stunting .

while stunting or working on an art project .....try doing it with love , that always brings good results ... m sure that this forum will wake up your creative side in many ways ....just like it woke mine and other members'

or you could forget what i just said and make up car chase stories for us members to read lol
I dont watch em i only like it when they get away and they never do.

Introduce Yourself / I`m the JoyRiderKid - Come See Why!!
« on: August 20, 2008, 07:56:24 am »
Quote from: admino
So your "gangsta" then?

Im like Puff Daddy but with "Pi" Were The "Pu" Is!

Introduce Yourself / I`m the JoyRiderKid - Come See Why!!
« on: August 19, 2008, 09:34:07 am »
JoyRiderKids Introduction.
Im the JoyRiderKid i been driving in real life since i was 8 i stole my first car at 11 i lost the first police astra 2 days after taking my first car. I stole em joy rode em then sold em for 30 quid each to the scrap yards. I had over 35 chases since i was 11 from the police never got caught i drove like i was in san andreas. It became a habit i needed the rush everyday. I bought my first and only car at 17 a ford capri 3.0 injection didnt register it to me an i was chased one day for dangerous driving and was caught coming out of the one and only (McDonalds) you may laugh but im banned for 8 years so i get my fix from the one and only server someone as kool as me could ever go and thats here. (WorldOfStunting).

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