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Topics - Josh

Pages: [1]
General / Leaving
« on: November 07, 2008, 09:43:56 am »
Hey guys.
Well I've been thinking whether I should return to World of Stunting or not after the little 'episode' that happened.
It took quite a bit of thinking and I've decided that I will be leaving and will never be coming back.
I do not hate World of Stunting or JaT, I just feel my time here is done.
I'm not really expecting anyone to be bothered as I'm sure you wont be, I just thought I'd inform you all.

Like I said, thanks for the great experiance and I hope WoS will become even more successful than it already is


Ban Appeal. / Banned.
« on: November 01, 2008, 11:12:28 am »
Admin That Banned You: admino
Reason Given By Admin: "Sharing admin account" < Pffftt...
Are You Sorry: No
Will you read and accept /rules?: Yes

Extra Info:

Pretty pathetic... my friend comes round for the day and I let him play on my account on SA-MP, obviously he has no idea how to use any of the admin commands, I let him play so I could show him stuff and so he can just roam around. Yes, I know I could of changed the name but I hadn't thought of it.
So I get banned for sharing my Administrator account - could I have an explanation for this unnecessary action?

General / Spammers
« on: July 12, 2008, 02:38:59 am »
This is weird, 2 guys come into the server and start spamming shit like "fuck you admins" but the problem is, it's impossible to ban them, they joined a left every second, I was spamming /ban and it wouldn't do it


General / Leaving SA-MP.
« on: June 21, 2008, 02:21:22 am »
Well, as most of you know about yesterday, we were all demoted for apparently "ganging" up on Amanda according to admino. I, along with Sounderr and BliZZaRD all thought this was absolutely pathetic as Sounderr was only telling his opinion in Admin Chat. If you can tell me what's wrong with that then PLEASE tell me. And yes - we did try to disscuss this with you Jat so you shouldn't of thought that we were insulting your descisions behind your back - all we were trying to say is that she's not ready yet and it was a little unfair to get Admin. This shitty convo went on for about 2 hours and in the end, you said WoS is gone for good (Not that I believed that)

So we will NOT be returning to World of Stunting due to being treated like shit over some tiny thing.

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