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Messages - jorden

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / stumpys HOW AM I BANNED?
« on: February 06, 2010, 06:12:48 am »
dear stumpy i did not get banned so why have banned me for evade i got banned a while back and did a ban apeal

but ron dogg accepted HERE IS THE LINK FOR THAT:

Age: 13
Admin That Banned You: stumpy
Reason Given By Admin: evading when im not
Are You Sorry: yes but i did not do nothing wrong
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes
Extra Info: i dont see why he banned me when im not evading my name is not on the list for being banned
i got banned a while ago by admin ron_dogg but i did a ban apeal and he acepted it then stump does me for evade when i did not get banned.

i was only trying to talk to stumpy about it and you said i was evading but there no reason on the banlist accept firm evading which

stumpy im sorry for what ive dont i dont know im sorry

my reguards


hi stumps

me and kyle were having a arguement and flaming each other which started when he was a admin when i asked him for help you get the lock on off and he called me a retard so i just agnored hime and then yesterday i asked him why hes not a admin no more he said  cause of a retarded kid you and then we was argueing with each other,  then you came on and kicked me i think, then i rejoined you was ok then today i went on in the morning al the admins were fine with me and i said hi to you and you banned me for evade but you did not ban me so how could i be ban evading i dont know if it was cause me and kyle was argueing im very sorry for that ok it will not happen again i have made a ban apeal ok

but im very sorry i love this server :) and i will never argue again if kyle starts i will ignore him like a grown up person i will ignore anyone that starts with me ok :)

stumpy im very sorry for being: anoying, argueing, too talkitive AND FLAMING i love this server and you are a very nice admin and very help ful



Server Updates / Re: World of Stunting 3.9.9 R7
« on: January 26, 2010, 03:49:19 pm »
there is a bug in sw your vehicle dissipears

Server Updates / Re: World of Stunting 3.9.9 R7
« on: January 26, 2010, 03:23:17 pm »
Server Updates

  • StuntWars when finished, now show the name of the person that won it
  • StuntWars now show the StuntID when loaded, which can be used for finding "shortcut" or "bugged" stunts
  • Joining on an IP that has an account already will now show the name of the account they already have
  • Players may no longer use exploits to teleport out of StuntWar
  • You can now exit your vehicle in StuntWar, however you can't finish StuntWar while walking, and if you try, you'll be put back at beginning on your vehicle
  • Vehicles now delete after leaving StuntWar to stop congestion
  • You can no longer spawn vehicles while in spectate mode
  • You can no longer obtain weapons in /watch
  • Challenges can no longer be bugged by using /kill
  • You can no longer use /kill in StuntWars
  • You will no longer spawn in your saved position and with godmode in Roleplay World
  • You can no longer accept a challenge while in a StuntWar
  • Gang creation improved to fix some possible issues as a gang is created
  • You can no longer exploit a TEC9 onto an NRG-500
  • You can no longer use /onb2 to cheat in StuntWars
  • The Bind wizard now works properly
cool jaot amazing better m8 ty :)

thats wqat happend i wrote a long message

on WOS server i was talking to ron_dogg and i was pming him and them i wrote a very long message and triyed to send it to him and then it said [AON[JORDEN (kicked) then when i try to rejoin the sever it says you are banned form this server dont no why, but its been saying that since yesterday please help me!!



General / hack proof
« on: January 16, 2010, 01:07:44 pm »
hack proof

hack proof wma

Ban Appeal. / JORDENS ban appeal ron_dogg please un-ban me
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:36:39 pm »

im sorry ron_dogg please un-ban me

Admin That Banned You:ron_dogg
Reason Given By Admin:rasist
Are You Sorry:yes
Will you read and accept /rules?:yes and i accept
Extra Info:im relly sorry ron_dogg for making a raisist comment

im sorry ron_dogg for making rasist comments plzz un-ban me

Ban Appeal. /
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:41:38 am »

Pages: [1]