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Messages - Cerberusxxxx

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Re: [MC]Donalds Ban Appeal
« on: March 31, 2010, 05:28:46 am »
I told you two weeks ago, and I'll tell you again now.
I was going into the menu (hitting esc)
And clicking on your icon on the map.

Woah. Megahacks right?

Now I wouldn't mind being unbanned thanks.

Ban Appeal. / [MC]Donalds Ban Appeal
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:45:41 am »
In-GameName: [MC]Donalds[SU] (Formally Cerberusxxxx and [MC]Donalds
Age: 19
Admin That Banned You: Stumpy
Reason Given By Admin: Hacking
Are You Sorry: I would be. If I'd been hacking
Will you read and accept /rules?: Already have.
Extra Info: Okay, I logged in. Spent thirty seconds driving around on a Sanchez. And then got banned. I mean if I'd been hacking then sure, by all means ban me. But I wasn't. I don't even know how to hack. Also, I think I should have been given a warning, an opportunity to defend myself. Hell even just a kick! But no. Straight to ban. For no reason in particular.

I'd appreciate being unbanned. Considering I've been on and off this server for over two years now with no problems.

Take care,

Ban Appeal. / Re: Hey, ban appeal I guess.
« on: March 05, 2009, 07:22:26 pm »
Ah, I see.

Ban Appeal. / Re: Hey, ban appeal I guess.
« on: March 05, 2009, 04:45:27 pm »
Ok I understand.

On the mute-evasion thing, I don't really get it?
I got kicked because I used my mute warnings yea, but what exactly IS mute-evasion?

Not trying to argue, just don't know what it is really :-\

Ban Appeal. / Hey, ban appeal I guess.
« on: March 04, 2009, 11:40:16 pm »
In-GameName: Cerberusxxxx
Age: 16
Admin That Banned You: Waffles maybe?
Reason Given By Admin: Not 100% sure (see extra info)
Are You Sorry: Yes'm  ;D
Will you read and accept /rules?: Fo sho  ;D
Extra Info

Haha hey, I got banned.
Might've been by Waffles but not sure.
Uhm reasons wherrrrre...

Instigating dogfight and possibly flaming.
But on the flaming issue "Awww fag as, oi" is fairly commonly said in my country lately. It's a saying. Nothing more. Not directed at anyone or meant to be insulting, it was just me expressing my annoyance at being muted for instigating dogfight.

Now understand rules more fully and shall start dogfights using PM's from here on out.
And stop annoying Waffles ;D

Cheers, Cerberusxxxx

Pages: [1]