Wizard of Wor Arcade Gameplay - (Wizard of Wor)This arcade game makes me laugh, we used to own one in our arcade business but it crapped out. play it when you get the chance!
Area 51 (The arcade game) part1/3 (Area 51) Still one of my most favorite shoot-em-up arcade games I ever played! it has many action packed levels! We still own like 4 of these. Atari made a sequel called Area 51 Site 4 which is also good.
The Ocean Hunter Playthrough-Part 1 Baroque Sea (The Ocean Hunter) We own one of these, this game is more fun than it appears when you are actually playing the game! this game is challenging and hard to stay alive in, but still one of my most favorite arcade games ever. Sorry about the you-tube video, I couldn't find any others that had good quality game-play of Ocean Hunter.
Off Road Challenge (Midway V) Arcade (Off Road Challenge) Some of you may remember this game from Nintendo 64, but this game is absolute pwnage on the arcade! It's one of the best racing games I've played on arcade. We still own about 2 of these.
NARC Arcade Coop (NARC) This is a hard but fun multi-player game to play with a friend! you can arrest your enemies if you get close enough to them for a few seconds and you get attacked by many enemies at once, even by dogs! The Boss fight is very frustrating, let me tell you that right now (I am not kidding, it takes like 10 tries to beat this guy.) I know we still own one of these, not sure if we own more than one though.
Thanks for reading