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Messages - Bobby_Que

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: March 10, 2009, 05:33:34 pm »
OK we will stop so please unbann us i have been Asking to unban. i will not ask 4 admin ok END OF (after u unban us)

1 more thing I am sorry for my additide, maggot_10 I am sorry for calling u names, bobby I am sorry for geting u banned,every1 else on the server I am sorry for flame,spam,and additide.

       -thanks if u have any comments pls post here

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: March 10, 2009, 01:14:13 pm »
I do not care of admin i wanna be in the server, but still i will go by the rules and then try to become 100% admin i really want to come back 2 the server i will not flame,spam,cheat,or ask admin
so thanks and please appeal this ban THANK YOU!

yes amanda i am admiting that i did that i called maggot names, and i am sorry but i will do anything for admin

i sent pics of my cousin cause she is hot thats why i sent pics to him he wanted them and he said he would let me be admin...Then i figured out about him not being admin

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: March 10, 2009, 01:00:56 pm »
Disision of what? i just want to be in the server again...
i wish i could be admin but all admins are saying play nice and wait longer then u may become admin.
and i respect that i will wait and wait unntil i become admin, And no i will not evade ok???
i just wanna be in the server again

P.S. evading is not right

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:52:46 pm »
i want to become back in the server i love this server alot and if u deny my appeal i will still not evade ok? Just like i said "i do not want to be dishonest to you guys" ok thats all i just wanna be back in the server

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:50:06 pm »
Listen i know how to change ip address but i do not want to be dis honest to you guys

Ban Appeal. / Ban Appeal
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:45:37 pm »
In Game Name: Bobby_Que/Jord :angry: :angry: :angry:

Age:17 <_< <_< <_<

Admin Who Banned: PointZeRo :angry:

Are You Sorry: Yes, Jord and i use the same internet cause we live nextdoor to eachother and Jord got banned, Therefore he got

banned that means that they ban the ip address and i know how to change it but i do not want to be dishonest, So please
unbann me. Thanks

Are You Gonna Exept /rules: yes for sure this time

extra info: Jord has been pissing me off

                                -Bobby_Que at 

Pages: [1]