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Messages - Angel_0wns

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / bannned again!!
« on: September 27, 2008, 07:52:18 am »
I Know im really sorry but i dont wanna have permy banned and im sorry for advertising but i thought he had same name and ip

Ban Appeal. / bannned again!!
« on: September 27, 2008, 01:35:07 am »
Admin That Banned You:Stumpy (i know he hates me)
Reason Given By Admin: Advertising
Are You Sorry:yes
Will you read and accept /rules?:i always do
Extra Info:Well this person called Tomek was on server and i swear that someone told me he had a hacking server i gave ip of hacking server asking if it was the same ip cause he probally hacking and i am banned please i really love this server and i didnt mean to and i really want to play again i know ive been banned twice and u probally permy bann me but i am really sorry i just am really sorry

Ban Appeal. / [s0s]Agel_0wns ban appeal
« on: September 21, 2008, 01:44:17 am »
Admin That Banned You:Stumpy
Reason Given By Admin: asking for admin
Are You Sorry: yes but i didnt ask for it
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes i do
Extra Info:

ok now
Stumpy banned me for asking for admin but... i was asking for a trial for s0s and he thought i talked to him because i pmed the wrong guy
please it wont happen again

Pages: [1]