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Topics - Acnd

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Acnd ban Appeal
« on: December 30, 2009, 10:54:09 am »
Age: 13
Admin That Banned You: Kyle[Football]
Reason Given By Admin: Hacks
Are You Sorry: No i'm not, the fucking admin banned me because i used the /weapon command
Will you read and accept /rules?: Yes, i accept them and I will accept then
Extra Info: I mean, WTF? A fucking admin called Kyle[Football] Banned me for reason hacks. I had some very cool hacks, the command /weapon that is made to get weapons, I had a rocket launcher with 10 rochets. If the supreme admins care, i think this stupid admin that doesn't know the commands must lose his admin level, i can't belive that an admin banned me because i used the /weapon (Weaponid) (ammo) command, to get myself a rocketlauncher and shoot for a hydra, Please respond to me, this is the first time I got banned, and it's not fair, i didn't break any rules, it's Kyle fault.

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