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Messages - Acnd

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Re: Acnd ban Appeal
« on: January 01, 2010, 05:19:27 am »
Um, noo! :)) But maybe it's a bug or some player reported one guy because he were going faster than the player with the bike, and him is fasttapping, (you know, up arrow pressed repeatedly). I didn't say that ask him if he cheat =)) It's hilarious, anyone would say no..

Ban Appeal. / Re: Acnd ban Appeal
« on: December 31, 2009, 06:21:51 am »
I don't remeber exactly his name, he had the skin with the guy that wear grey hoodie and jeans.. so, when you finish the "investigations"? I want to see the results... really..

P.S.: I don't tolerate admins that ban without to ask first, or see what happened, if a report it's send, BAN! I can do this too and ban an innocent..

Ban Appeal. / Re: Acnd ban Appeal
« on: December 31, 2009, 03:15:15 am »
the other guy burned all the grass and he shot the weapon anywere, and he didn't got banned.

That player had his weapon removed seconds after.

Kyle, his weapon remained and he burnt me and some grass, if the weapon would disappear in 1 second he can't shoot with it...  and "AdminFace" I know it's not my bussines, but I saw him that he used the weapon, and I thought that he got it with the command "/weapon" so I said "/weapon 33 10" and i've got a rochet launcher that DIDN'T dissapeard. And what do you mean with "the next ban you recieve will be 5 years.", I won't get banned for 5 years or what? Anyway, take it logically, if I really used a cheat, and I made a ban appeal and it  has removed with no problems and now I can play again, do you think that I would have done all of these? I would say thank you that you forgiven me, and start playing again..., So, this is a bug what happened, how can I prove you that it's a bug? I can't, and you think I cheated.. I'm sure that happened to at least 2 players more, and they've got banned. There are more bugs in this period on the server, like when you use the command "/v", it spawns your car, and it dissaper in a few seconds, the NPC that drives the ruslter at airport3 isn't working, I didn't saw him flying since one week.. we cannot surf anymore... So, at the end of all of this what happens? I get banned 4ever because I used the command "/weapons"? Or because I didn't controled myself at the first posts?

Ban Appeal. / Re: Acnd ban Appeal
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:13:34 pm »
Oh my god, i can't belive, So do you think I cheated huh? I know, the weapons ussually disapear, but I saw a guy with a flame trower burning some grass, and I thought that weapons disapear only on world 0, so I tried /weapon 36(i think) 10, and it worked, i've got instantly a rocket launcher, I do not use cheats, and sorry for my language, but Kyle made me very very angry, by banning me for this, the other guy burned all the grass and he shot the weapon anywere, and he didn't got banned. I thought it's not a bug. (Sorry for my bad english). If my ban remains in "history", the ban it's not a mistake of an admin and you guys keep saying that i cheat, I won't play on WoS again, I really like this server, I have many friends, and I play a lot on it.

Ban Appeal. / Re: Acnd ban Appeal
« on: December 30, 2009, 11:06:57 am »
Kyle, BELIVE ME, I USED THAT COMMAND! You're stupid? I were on world 666, Do you think i cheat? Ask anyone, i hate cheaters, i reported my friends on other servers, you're really n00b,... I can't belive, If it's like you said, i think it's a bug!

Ban Appeal. / Acnd ban Appeal
« on: December 30, 2009, 10:54:09 am »
Age: 13
Admin That Banned You: Kyle[Football]
Reason Given By Admin: Hacks
Are You Sorry: No i'm not, the fucking admin banned me because i used the /weapon command
Will you read and accept /rules?: Yes, i accept them and I will accept then
Extra Info: I mean, WTF? A fucking admin called Kyle[Football] Banned me for reason hacks. I had some very cool hacks, the command /weapon that is made to get weapons, I had a rocket launcher with 10 rochets. If the supreme admins care, i think this stupid admin that doesn't know the commands must lose his admin level, i can't belive that an admin banned me because i used the /weapon (Weaponid) (ammo) command, to get myself a rocketlauncher and shoot for a hydra, Please respond to me, this is the first time I got banned, and it's not fair, i didn't break any rules, it's Kyle fault.

Pages: [1]