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Messages - BioclocK

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 16
Modding / Re: Three bikes for FREE
« on: June 23, 2011, 07:46:44 pm »
You should add pictures ..

I'm lazy, and the download is less than 10MB, it's worth it to just get them and decide later.

Modding / Re: New NRG Skin [Again :D]
« on: June 23, 2011, 10:35:58 am »
I'll start a thread with the bikes in a .rar file. Here:

Modding / Three bikes for FREE
« on: June 23, 2011, 10:35:49 am »
Firelance asked me to upload the NRGs I've made in the past that I don't use, so here's three of the latest ones.

NOTE: There might be a duplicate in there because I'm not sure which is which. Anyways here.

Modding / Re: New NRG Skin [Again :D]
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:59:01 am »
Since I'm planning on using this as my skin for vids I'm not going to make it available for download until I'm either bored with it or I make something better; I will however upload/release some of the other skins I've made if anyone wants those.

Everything and Anything / Re: R.I.P Ryan Dunn :(
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:57:52 am »
I did a stunt on my YouTube channel as a tribute to him. Here.

General / Re: Should i get GTA back?
« on: June 21, 2011, 08:43:43 pm »
Up to you dude. Lol it's kind of a decision for you and only you to make.

Modding / New NRG Skin [Again :D]
« on: June 21, 2011, 05:09:09 pm »

Personally I think this one is better than my last one...I changed my player skin as well so it fits. I'm a bit of a minimalist when it comes to imagery, so it's simple but I still think it's good. I worked pretty hard on it. Any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is appreciated.

Everything and Anything / All-Stars Tour 2011
« on: June 20, 2011, 06:18:35 am »
Well this post is entirely for people who live in North America. And who like metal. This Summer, the All-Stars tour is hitting up most of the US and some spots in Canada, for those interested. The [good*] bands include:

For Today
Born Of Osiris
The Ghost Inside
After The Burial
Motionless In White
Chelsea Grin

There are roughly 7 other bands who aren't really worth mentioning [except, maybe, for iwrestledabearonce but the vocalist's singing voice is atrocious]. I don't imagine too many people here will be interested but just in case, I'm posting tour dates.

7/21 Houston, TX @ TBA
7/22 McAllen, TX @ Las Palmas Racepark w/ Scream The Prayer
7/23 San Antonio, TX @ Backstage Live w/ Scream The Prayer
7/24 Dallas, TX @ The Palladium w/ Scream The Prayer
7/26 Louisville, KY @ Expo Five
7/27 Cleveland, OH @ Agora Theater
7/28 Chicago, IL @ Congress Theatre
7/29 Detroit, MI @ Royal Oak Theatre
7/30 Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave
7/31 St. Paul, MN @ Station 4 Outdoors
8/2 Toronto, ON @ Sound Academy
8/3 Montreal, QC @ Olympia
8/4 Reading, PA @ Eagle Theatre at The Sov Center
8/5 Poughkeepsie, NY @ Mid Hudson Civic Center
8/6 Fitchburg, MA @ Central Mass Expo Center
8/7 Sayreville, NJ @ Starland Ballroom
8/9 Baltimore, MD @ Sonar
8/10 Richmond, VA @ The National
8/11 Charlotte, NC @ The Fillmore
8/12 Myrtle Beach, SC @ House of Blues
8/13 Orlando, FL @ TBA
8/14 Pensacola, FL @ Seville Quarter Party Plaza
8/16 Northwest Texas TBA
8/17 TBA
8/18 Scottsdale, AZ @ Venue of Scottsdale
8/19 San Diego, CA @ Soma
8/20 Anaheim, CA @ The Grove
8/21 Las Vegas, NV @ TBA
8/22 Northern California @ TBA**
8/24 Portland, OR @ TBA**
8/25 Seattle, WA @ TBA**
8/26 Western Canada @ TBA**
8/27 Western Canada @ TBA**
8/28 Western Canada @ TBA**

I'll be attending the one in Toronto, on August 2nd. Heads up, super awesome people who live in the GTA

Modding / Re: How to mod a texture?
« on: June 14, 2011, 09:54:21 am »
The most common ones are Photoshop and GIMP. If you're going to mod skins you need a few things [P1nts3L covered most of it, you also have to download IMGTool so that you can open the gta3.img file]. It's a matter of proficiency but I'd say Photoshop is the easier of the two to work with. You should also look around and try to find a colour-coded version of the skin you're going to mod.
Here's a tutorial that goes more in-depth.
EDIT: Apparently GTAS in an untrusted website...anyways if you search "Basic Skinning" on the GTAS board you'll get your answer.
It covers both NRG-500 skinning and PCJ-600 in Vice City.

"Tools needed:
Some form of graphics program( MS Paint Will Do)
IMG Tool
TXD Workshop"

Modding / Re: BioclocK - New Bike
« on: June 12, 2011, 02:59:16 am »
Thanks for such positive feedback :] I appreciate it

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