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Topics - Sniffilicious

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Videos And Screenshots / MOVED: [SA] Passive...Collab, Join Today!
« on: November 20, 2010, 05:45:41 am »

Suggestions Archive / Faggotmower Suggestion
« on: June 21, 2010, 03:29:00 am »
I am a big fan of the leaderboards, So I thought why not add a Faggotmower leaderboard? For the amount of times a player wins Faggot mower. :]
Most players want pride, a leaderboard would make more players turn up to the Faggotmower game to ensure they earn their place at the top of the leaderboard xD


Everything and Anything / Little Help :D
« on: June 14, 2010, 12:31:20 pm »
Okay... So seems that some of you liked the last story i wrote for my GCSE, I have decided that I am going to write another one :P
If you wish to be in my story xD Just say below :) and if you don't mind :P Give me a story line :) Like what the story is based on... Who gets killed and who lives... who saves the day...(LOL) You get what i mean? :)

Should be a good story xD

Everything and Anything / Story I Wrote.
« on: June 12, 2010, 11:29:43 am »
Okay guys, this is a story i wrote for my GCSE :) I thought i would change the names in the story to the names of a few people in WoS :) :P
The Camping Trip
“They say ‘The Shabz’ comes at night” Spoke Stumpy in a dark scary voice.
“Stop it, stop trying to scare us!” interrupted Rishi sounding horrified.
“They say you have to gather in a circle, and mutter the words ‘come to us, come to us’” Continued Stumpy.
“Oh my god! We have so got to try that later!” Said Fizzy sounding excited.
“Right, I think that’s enough stories don’t ya think? Some of us are starting to get a little bit scared” said Zencal whilst shooting Rishi a nasty look. Rishi, Fizzy, Zencal and Stumpy all got up and headed for their tents.
It was dark, it was gone midnight. The group of friends had decided to go on a camping trip. They were up on top of a mountain, miles away from their home town.

An hour had past,  no one could get to sleep, you could hear the wind rustling though the trees, you could hear an owl hooting.
“I think we should summon that Shabz thing, It’s not like any of us can get to sleep is it?” said a voice coming from Stumpys tent whilst he was unzipping his tent. Every body else unzipped their tents, the noise echoed across through the darkness like a gunshot in a cave. “That’s a good idea” agreed Fizzy and Zencal together. Rishi look scared “Umb…are you sure? What if the rumours are true?” said Rishi, sounding frightened.
“Well, I guess we are going to have to be rebels and hope for the best then aren’t we?” Said Fizzy enthusiastically. They all started to form a cirle, apart from Rishi, he stayed where he was. “come on you baby” Laughed Stumpy.
“Fine, but if I get killed, I am holding you responsible Stumps” said Rishi.

They were all in a circle, holding hands. “Right, every body know the summoning words?” asked Fizzy. They all nodded. Stumpy began to count “1...2...3” and they all said “come to us, come to us” There was rustling in the bushes behind them, you could hear Rishi’s heart pounding against his chest, he started to cry “Oh my god, who ever that is needs to grow up like ini!” Shouted Fizzy at the bush, with her voice shaking. Stumpy began to walk towards the bush with his fists up “stop being childish now and come out and fight me!” Stumpy called to the bush. The bush began to rattle faster, it sounded like a dozen plastic bags being crumpled up but much louder. The bush stopped shaking, Stumpy stopped walking. There was silence, Stumpy craned his neck around, Zencal was gone, he was no where to be seen, he must of ran away in the panic, or did ‘something’ get him? Every body else noticed  Stumpys absence “Where’s Zencal!?” cried Fizzy
“Look, foot prints!” said Rishi pointing at some muddy foot prints leading into pitch black woods. Fizzy sprinted into the woods following the foot prints, “Fizzy! No!” called Stumpy, It was too late, Fizzy didn’t look back, she had been buried in the darkness.
Suddenly, the bush began to rattle again, it rattled much more harshly this time. Stumpys and Rishi’s attention when straight  back on the rattling bush. Then the rattling stopped again. Silence fell again, then a huge creature dived out of the bush, it had huge claws, it was indescribable.

The Shabz charged at Stumpy, with its mouth wide open, it snapped Stumpy into its mouth with it’s razor sharp teeth you could hear Stumpys bones being snapped and crushed in the creatures mouth. Rishi attempted to run, but he tripped over a log and landed on hid belly, he quickly turned onto his back, he pulled a knife out of his pocket. The Shabz jumped at Rishi, Rishi lunged the knife into The Shabz stomach, The Shabz yelped with pain, but it was two late, The Shabz had already lunged it’s own claw into Rishi’s heart. Out of no where came Fizzy, she was carrying a log. She charged at The Shabz and whacked it on the head with the log, Fizzy walked backwards, the shock of what she just did hit her, The Shabz was dead on the floor, next to one of her best friends that was just brutally murdered. Blood was poring from The Shabz head. Fizzy began to cry, tears were crawling down her face, she was still walking backwards from the shock, she tripped over a branch sticking out of the ground, she fell backwards and hit her head on a rock, blood was oozing out of her head, the blood spread across her soft blonde hair like butter on bread, she was laying there on the hard cold grass, all she could do was hope, hope that some one would find her, alive.

Say what you think of it :)

Other Problems / Help please? :]
« on: June 03, 2010, 03:56:55 am »
I don't know if this a bug or something, but its something that doesn't work for me.
You know the 'Game' tab, with leaderboards, etc...
Well, i click that, and I want to view the skins, but it just takes me to the forum page when I click on skins "/

Suggestions Archive / Forum Suggestion
« on: May 16, 2010, 08:03:14 am »
You know how Lead admins and admins have diffrent colour names? :)

Well I thought that maybe Moderators could have their own colour :)
Just an idea :D

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