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Topics - Roze

Pages: [1]
Everything and Anything / Xbox, anyone?
« on: August 27, 2009, 04:37:43 am »
Hey all, Roze here.
Sorry for the in-activity.
I've just had my Birthday, so that means family, friends, and presents.
Well atleast 2 of the 3. [=_= No smart arse comments]

From my parents, i got a xBox 360.
So far i've obtained few games like:
-Halo 3
-Viva Pinata: TiP
-Burnout Revenge
-Forza 2
-Fable 2
-Scene It - BOS

And i've got 4 months and 2 days of Xbox live,

My point of this is..

I board sick of playing single player, and yelling at people in random games, that i don't even know.
I mostly Forge, on Halo 3, so some one with atleast that game, would be great.

Anyway. My Gamertag is RozernDevil. [F'Roze'rn]
And i would like to see a few mates online.
-Peace, Roze.

Everything and Anything / Roze....
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:32:36 pm »
Yes, it is nearly finaly August 20, the so-far public holiday of ROZE!

It's his 15th BIRTHDAY!

Humor / Human Tetris
« on: June 05, 2009, 08:41:52 pm »

Funny Human Tetris Japanese Game Show

Watch to the end, The blue team got it hard.

General / MrBrooks/Ryan/Nudge
« on: June 01, 2009, 01:59:14 am »
How ever you know him by,
he left me a 'important' message to put by everyone.

Hey S**tBreak. It's Ryan.
I can't get online at the moment.
How's everyone? Tell them all i will be on in about 5 days.


Everything and Anything / Tribute to Maggot.
« on: May 20, 2009, 11:57:35 pm »
Magg, happy birthday!!
'ere's ya present, you whore xD!
Bloodhound Gang- Fire Water Burn
"The roof is on fire, MAGGOT WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
Lawl, oh and btw it's not Magg's birthday, if it is, oh shit, there's ya present.
          Burn Motha Fucker, Roze.

Everything and Anything / New Sig, Feedback Plox
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:45:50 am »
Hmm, we'll i've just updated my sig, it's simple, but is it affective?
I need 'good'[Not positive, but well built up] feedback.
Plus, thank Riki, for the idea, of the cut off.
Yeh so feeedback?!!?

Everything and Anything / I woke up, badly
« on: May 11, 2009, 06:48:40 am »
I hate mondays...
This is how shocking i looked when i woke up....

-Sherbet, in my bed, after i have a shower and come back, this morn- xD

'Kay sorry, if this is the wrong section, but i find my dogs, as part of the community, and the deserve to be in the SA-MP Section, Nevermind, moved it already.... :(

Yes, this is the first entry of my construction team....
Meet the members..

Yeh that's all....
 'Kay the building site,

Made by the original owner, not sure about the frame work of the building, and the garage is shocking shape,
The yard, is to small, but has some ol' piping running through the back,

1 Week later:

We've done a small job, on the yard, changing the ground level, to fit to the original, we've extended the piping for later use, hopefully not for nothing.
To the left of the yard, is a drive way, this is now being extended, and at the end, beneath the house, is a garage and workshop,

3 Weeks after the last construction update:

Yard major extension, with a pool added in, with the use of the piping, the ol' garage, to the right is now used to store bikes and the pool machines, Plants have been added curtious of Bandit's [My Dog]
Digging Holes, trees and soil factory.

1 More week after last construction update:

 3 Days after the right shed, colapsed, and had to be replaced, we've installed Blue Steel Metal Roofing, and a new dry wall.
The underground garage, is complete, and has enough space for 2 cars, conecting now to a basement before the house.

~Construction Complete!~
Special Thanks to:
and somehow Ryan....

Videos And Screenshots / Trucks /me shivers
« on: May 10, 2009, 05:26:15 am »
o.O And you thought Maggot was deadly with fire.... look what happens when he's got a TRUCK!!!!

"What's that thing? Mabey just a lag bug"

"MAGGOT! The worst type of bug!"

Watch out!!!!

General / Take a picture of you'r room/computer setup.
« on: May 10, 2009, 02:50:54 am »
The Subject, kinda gives it away, but yeh, take a few pics of you'r computer setup or room,
And don't bloody, be an idiot and clean it, for the picture, [only because i can't be stuffed]
'ere's mine.

My setup, you can barley see the mess!

The shelves next to my comp, THERES THE MESS!

Bedside. More mess... and my wooden snake, i got from Thailand, or was it Puhket.

If you look to you'r side, you see it weirdly.

........... A draw to the left of my comp, Predator made of junk metal and a wood eagle or hawk,
And some wires beneath them.

'Kay, lets see you'r places!?!

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