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Messages - Delfy

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Videos And Screenshots / Re: Delfy does a VC stunt.
« on: March 15, 2010, 02:32:56 pm »
Is this one possible in GTA SA as well? Or is the same as VC? I never stunted in VC so I don't know if you can bump higher there or not.
Well on SAiVC you seem to go faster, this can't be done on regular GTA SA. Btw Delfy. Nice one, Willzyyy did the first building (Unfinished)
Technically it isn't to do with going faster but more the fact of difference physics.

Videos And Screenshots / Delfy does a VC stunt.
« on: March 15, 2010, 01:15:19 am »
Yeah, I can stunt VC [THUP] but I will stick to SA :mellow:

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Stunt Challenge
« on: March 15, 2010, 01:08:36 am »
Nice Delfy, I just hope you didn't use some of your old replays for your new one lol. :P
Of course not, both stunts were landed within about 2 hours.

Introduce Yourself / Re: It's been a while.
« on: March 15, 2010, 01:07:43 am »
Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'm feeling a little horny now. :wacko:

Introduce Yourself / Re: It's been a while.
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:42:35 am »
Hello wellcome back on World of Stunting.


Cheers luv ;)

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Stunt Challenge
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:39:18 am »
Done + New = WoS SCG Done+New

Videos And Screenshots / Re: PtRvY Editing Test
« on: March 14, 2010, 03:44:48 am »
No robin, Daffy got the award but PtRvY was in the nominations.

19 Daffy
12 Herr-Dav'
6 BeaT
6 Ghost
5 SentitneS
5 WaRoW
4 Dogger
4 PtRvY4
3 Rusch69
0 Leetcake

Introduce Yourself / Re: It's been a while.
« on: March 13, 2010, 06:18:11 pm »
Yeah... I wasn't around then.

But welcome back <3
Cheers Sniffs. ;)

Introduce Yourself / It's been a while.
« on: March 13, 2010, 04:08:29 pm »
Some may remember me from back in the good ol' days of WoS. I still remember the day I joined as JayJay and everyone was flying around with their hacks. I also remember the day WoS finally became a official server and with that came literally hundreds or thousands of new members daily, possibly more if I remember rightly. Anyway, my names Brad and I use to be a Server Administrator in 08 and also use to be a Global Moderator back in 09, went inactive and lost both positions. A shout out to Mandy, Nka, Jat, Stumpy and other friends I may of forgotten. Also I donated roughly $200 AUD in 07-08.

P.S. I can't get on Vent/Skype because I stood on my microphone when I was drunk, sooo sorry.

Server Updates / Re: Moderator recruitment
« on: February 18, 2010, 04:26:37 am »
Name: Bradley Williams (Delfy)
Age: 15
Location: Australia, Victoria.
The board you want to moderate: Global
Why you would make a good moderator: I was previously a global moderator here at WoS but was removed due to inactivity. I have been a loyal member of WoS for quite some time and have had many experiences with the members and staff.
Extra information: Previously an ingame moderator, been here since early times of WoS roughly early 2007. Donated roughly $200 AUD back when WoS wasn't as popular as it is today.

Do you have clear knowledge of the rules: Yes
Do you have clear knowledge of the Terms of Service: Yes

Keeping in mind that there's a warn system, answer the following

What would you do if someone spammed porn: Remove the illicit content immediately and then proceed to warn the person whom posted the illicit content, unless he/she is a repeat offender I would then take the necessary further actions leading to a temporary suspension of he/she's account.
What would you do if someone posted 1 word responses to everything: I would first warn the abusing user and if he/she continues I will proceed to initiate a short temporary suspension of the users account.
What would you do if someone posted links to hacks: Immediately remove the links and then quickly proceed to banning the offending user.

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