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Messages - Ink

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: November 03, 2009, 11:29:09 am »
Oh, sorry if i looked like flaming, wasn't that the intention.
By the way, I was able to access to WoS with (my old) Pixel's account. So it was unbanned actually.

Hello Pixel,

That's not how World of Stunting works. Nobody is un-banned without an appeal or else by contacting an admin personally for it. Joining without an appeal for the ban is considered evasion (Unless unbanned officially by other methods as explained above). This is explained in the Terms of Service.

You also said that I explained it was "clear"? I don't re-call this, are you sure it was me that you were in contact with about your original appeal?

First, Pixel is not in the ban list. Just checked.  Second, with Pixel i ban appealed at that time of course.Secondly, yes I spoke to you when i created my new account.
If you remember my and your words:
me(ink):"Hey admino, im Pixel. I just wanted to say sorry for all the problems i cause to you and your server some time ago"
you: "im glad that you apologize, but why the new name?"
me(ink): "cause this is my new name now.. but yes im still pixel"
you: "then why dont you come back with that account? ;)"
me(ink): "ok"

check the log if you don't remember or if you just dont believe me

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: November 03, 2009, 11:18:14 am »
Oh, sorry if i looked like flaming, wasn't that the intention.
By the way, I was able to access to WoS with (my old) Pixel's account. So it was unbanned actually.

Ban Appeal. / Ban Appeal
« on: November 03, 2009, 10:58:42 am »
Name: Ink
Age: 16
Admin that banned you: admino
Reason given by admin: none
Are you sorry? if i even know what i did
Will you read/accept rules? i already did.
Extra info: dear admino, whats wrong with you. you know im Pixel don't you. we spoke last time on WoS and u said i was clear and all and now you ban me with no reason? nice.
anyway, last thing i wrote was a pm to Nka saying: "saying "hi" to friends became optional? lol"
and then boom banned.
sorry didn't know that pming nka comported a ban -.-

Pages: [1]