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Messages - Brosch91

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 40
General / Re: Going on Holiday
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:41:16 pm »
Have a good time! :P

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Black Ops | Two tomahawk kills
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:11:24 am »
Nice vid Supposed :D

Everything and Anything / Old members; remember WoS's old webpage
« on: June 16, 2011, 07:05:41 pm » haha, reminds me of when I first joined, seeing that welcoming message really made you feel welcomed. This is a snapshot of World of Stunting from December 1st, 2008, roughly a month after I joined :P

Ban Appeal. / Re: hey, I need a ban please
« on: June 16, 2011, 01:26:18 pm »
Hello basium,

Assuming the content of your ban appeal, I have decided that you are not taking your ban appeal seriously, so your appeal has been rejected. Just so you know I know some old people that are in their 60s and they are 50x more mature than you. Hopefully you can learn to take your ban appeals more seriously in the future, that's the only way any of us will even consider unbanning you.


Videos And Screenshots / Re: E3 2011
« on: June 13, 2011, 03:29:52 pm »
inFAMOUS 2 will be awesome hopefully! I got inFAMOUS 1 for free thanks to PSN's Welcome Back program. Very fun game!

Suggestions / Re: Help us, Help you!
« on: June 13, 2011, 03:26:31 pm »

Sorry for the bump, but I must disagree with you Riki and the others.
You say that in order to earn the responsibility to be a moderator, you must have a certain skill. But how can YOU see if a fellow WoS user has that specific skill, if most of YOU guys are mostly AFK all the time? You should be ready to confront any reports and stuff, if you're going to be afk, at least /q.

But on the contrary, I'm not supporting the idea of voting, since it will create major doubts and such in the server, rising the chances of the server failing once again.
I fail to see the problem with AFK admins. Yes I can understand it being a problem if they are AFK for hours on end. But if it's just for a few minutes while staying at the computer, at least they can watch the chat and watch for flamers, spammers, and reports.

Just remember, if an admin is labeled afk by the server, that doesn't mean they aren't watching the chat!

Everything and Anything / Re: Happy Birthday AMANDA xD
« on: June 11, 2011, 11:16:42 pm »
Happy BDAY Amanda :D I think I already told you this on facebook but if I did in fact forgot then happy birthday anyways :P

Everything and Anything / Re: Any1 Help??Keyboard problem xD
« on: May 23, 2011, 05:41:04 pm »
Hello Murat,

Interesting problem, are you connecting it with USB or are you using a USB-to-PS/2 converter (believe it not, it's not uncommon to see people do this)
Have you tried it on another PC? sounds to me like a driver failure than anything.
Did you try reinstalling the drivers of the keyboard via device manager?
Did you try plugging it into a different USB port?

If the problem persists after trying all of this, then replace the keyboard (like what others are saying)

General / Re: Question
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:34:49 am »
Stuntwars aren't the only attraction. I couldn't care less about those, I play because of the community. Like Nka said the server is just leaning more towards "The good 'ol days". Neither of you, Razor and Robin, know what those days were like because you weren't here.

I can assure you the last year this server was owned by JTND (stupid censor) was not WoS at it's finest. Why do you think he sold it? Sure the script needs some work, but at least the community WoS became so well known for is coming back.

TLDR; WoS has always been known for it's community, not it's features.
This all the way!
There hasn't been a big update in a long time, and you still see me here. Why? Because of the community! I got Amanda to return to WoS and she probably didn't return because of what all WoS had to offer in terms of features, but because of our community that has been together for such a long time. Even though I joined kind of late into the game, I still enjoy being a part of the community.

Other Problems / Re: Net or Youtube problems?
« on: May 17, 2011, 04:35:14 pm »
Unfortunately this can be caused by many problems, so it's hard to pinpoint the exact cause. Has this happened in the past or is it a recent problem? Try these three solutions below, that's the best I can do via forums.

1. Update your flash player
2. Update your video drivers
3. Try a different web browser or update your web browser to the latest update if not done already

Hope this helped fix your problem, have a great day :)



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