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Messages - Hable

Pages: [1]
Other Problems / Server crash when joining :( Help!
« on: November 03, 2008, 04:03:17 am »
I't works pefectly now. Cya in the server!

Introduce Yourself / Hey i'm Hable
« on: November 02, 2008, 03:43:54 pm »
I'm Hable. (:
I'm new to the server, i enjoy stunting, video editing, making skins && lots of other things!
I hope to see you peeps around sometime. But SA-MP is being a complete bitch to me atm (sadface).
When i play i pleh with the people who take stunting seriously and enjoy competition!
If this server is what i hope it to be, i will be making videos and hope to join stunting alliances!!! X:
Well TATS it from Hable.


Other Problems / Server crash when joining :( Help!
« on: November 02, 2008, 03:30:11 pm »
I have played various SA-MP servers and have never had trouble connecting to them. But now, when i load up the WoS server, it comes up with an error and then closes SA-MP down. I can't quite remember what the error said, it was something like, "Error reading adress at 89102x28BE" or something like that. But i really want to come on the server! Please help me someone

Pages: [1]