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Messages - markjaysongalang

Pages: [1]
Server Updates / Re: Moderator recruitment
« on: June 04, 2010, 12:05:49 am »
Name: Mark
Age: 11
Location: Kuwait
The board you want to moderate: Everything, but I'll be more active in the server.
Why you would make a good moderator:  So I can help the server be clean from dirt, eg. Spamming, Flamming, Posting Porn, Hacking etc.
Extra information:

Do you have clear knowledge of the rules: Yes
Do you have clear knowledge of the Terms of Service: Yes

Keeping in mind that there's a warn system, answer the following

What would you do if someone spammed porn: I would warn him/her, and mute him/her, then tell that they would be banned.
What would you do if someone posted 1 word responses to everything: Mute him, if he/she still does it until the 3rd time then he/she is banned.
What would you do if someone posted links to hacks: I would ban him for 2 weeks immediately.

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: June 02, 2010, 07:34:46 am »
Ok, sir I'm really sorry for that. BTW im unbanned?

Ban Appeal. / Ban Appeal
« on: June 02, 2010, 07:08:22 am »
In-GameName: Ryan_Tyler
Age: 16
Admin That Banned You: Ron_Dogg
Are You Sorry: Yes, btw I just said my website to my friends, I wont do it again I promise!
Will you read and accept /rules?: Yes!
Extra Info: I'm really sorry, I wasn't advertising at all, I just said my website to my friends. So sorry for that.

Pages: [1]