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Topics - [TMS]Slayer

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Well hello there!
« on: January 01, 2010, 09:27:46 pm »
Hey everyone! I have been on this server for a while, (in breaks, I joined when I first started playing SAMP, then quit, and joined abain and so on..) and now I'm back!  :mellow:

This server has improved a lot and I am happy to see it improve this much. It has great features and probably one of the top servers in the Stunting World of SAMP.

Great people, friendly, no fights or anything since I have been here... So its good to see you all!

A little about my self:
I like to do a lot of Photoshop, play games.. ( you can see some in my siggie :P), in sports, I like basketball, and some football..
I own a PS3, my PSN is 'Aman1238', you can add me if you want.. LAtely I have been playing MW2 a lot..

And well thats about it.

Xfire: SAkiller999
PSn: Aman1238
Trillian: Aman1238


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