Ban Appeal. / Ban Appeal
« on: April 12, 2009, 04:19:39 am »
In-GameName: Sebas_brawl
Age: 16
Admin That Banned You: actually forgot it
Reason Given By Admin: advertising
Are You Sorry: yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes
Extra Info: actually it was a mod of gta but i know it is stupid to advertise on this server so i thinked about it and won't do it again cuz i hate to be banned from this fun server.
Age: 16
Admin That Banned You: actually forgot it
Reason Given By Admin: advertising
Are You Sorry: yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes
Extra Info: actually it was a mod of gta but i know it is stupid to advertise on this server so i thinked about it and won't do it again cuz i hate to be banned from this fun server.