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Topics - All(Beast)

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Ban Appeal
« on: February 02, 2009, 01:05:17 am »
In-GameName: All[Beast]
Age: 21
Admin That Banned You: i forget his nickname, on R, admino said to me it, but i again forget it
Reason Given By Admin: first who banned me, thinked that i spam with other guys
Are You Sorry: yes, i'm sorry, because i think admin who banned me, already get his shit, he banned too
Will you read and accept /rules?: why not? yes
Extra Info: everyone know what i maked on server, i won't repeat it, and please unban all my ips, because i think they all banned

Ban Appeal. / Ban Appeal
« on: February 02, 2009, 12:39:59 am »
i'm All(Beast), at first time when i played at your server, admins(i forget their nicknames) banned me with some people, who spammed, but i didn't spam with them, i dislike it, and begin make shit at server, which everyone know, now looks that admins banned, also dm and spam not work, i want play normal at server with my nickname, and if you give me chance play normal, please unban my all ip, because i think they all banned at server, thanks

Pages: [1]