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Topics - Dametreuss

Pages: [1]
General / please read!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 10, 2008, 01:25:14 pm »
i have a complaint about Johnnyz and Stumpy but mostly Johnnyz.
Johnnyz has been very disrespectful to me and more people when we didnt even do anything
he has been flaming, and just being really mean and when some1 talks back to him he asks Stumpy to mute them and BOOM they are muted but when he talks back to every1 and flame every1 notin happens. just because he is new and all doesnt mean you cant ban him. And a while ago when i got unbanned from being banned for like a month Johnnyz was on and i didnt know him at all and i said "YAY im unbanned!!!" and he says RETARD you where never banned and he just starts flaming me and every1 started laughing at me.i didnt even do a freakin thing to him!.And now since i started talking back to him just cuz he was flaming me i got PERMANENTLY BANNED BY STUMPY!! WTF!!!!. I WASNT THE ONE THAT SHOULD'VE GOTTEN BANNED JOHNNYZ WAS!!! im not asking to get unbanned or anything cu i dont really care.
so can some admin just bann him or perm bann him or something.
bye pplz for ever
take care,


(+[ ]: <--------ROFLMAO ITS A PSP!!!!


General / I have a complaint
« on: August 03, 2008, 05:19:53 pm »
i just got unbanned and i went to the server and Johnnyz just started to flame me outta no where
he is like ur GAY and STFU and i admit that i was using caps cuz  he kept saying "ur retarded you where never banned you where kicked" and i said "NO i was banned" and he said "retard" and every1 started laughing and saying LOL
and i felt humiliated and he said im  goin to tell stumpy right now that you where using caps and i said no dont cuz i forgot that using caps wasnt allowed so im like no dont i forgot i just got unbanned and then he said i feel really pissed so i will ruin your fun and get you banned and stuff like that. and then i went to go drift at drift3 and then i said YES im still a drifting god cuz i think that im really good and Johnnyz said no you suck at drifting when he didnt even see me at all and i said dude i just ghot unbanned just give me a break please and he kept on arguing wit me and then Yong said STFU and the arguing kept goin on and on and i didnt even do anything to him.
i know you dont care but i just had to say something

Ban Appeal. / unbann request
« on: July 27, 2008, 07:47:22 pm »
Ingame name:Dametreuss
Admin that banned you:Stumpy
Reason for being banned: i changed my name to Oddisy_Sux
Are you sorry:yes im Truly extremly absolutely Sorry
Will you read and accept /rules: Absolutely

I switched my name to Oddisy_Sux beacause i was really mad at the moment
and i wuz gonna take a break from SA:MP but i was starting to get bored so i posted this appeal
i know i have been gettin banned alot lately and i will try hard to not get banned
im really sorry to Oddisy and alot of people that i may have offended.
please just unbann me this is the best server i have played please unbann me.
Im sorry

sorry if im breaking any rules by begging

and if i get unbanned i will try to make sure that this is the last bann appeal that i will ever make

Ban Appeal. / Unbann again
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:10:33 pm »
Ingame name:Dametreuss
Admin that banned you: i forget i think it was something skormed
Reason for being banned: wierdest reason:Make a bann appeal on Worldofstunt.com
Are you sorry: um....Yes
Will you read and accept /rules: Yup

Ban Appeal. / Banned no reason
« on: July 21, 2008, 11:31:51 am »
ingame name: Dametreuss
Admin that banned you:admino
Reason for being banned:none
Are you sorry: i didnt do anything
Will you read and accept /rules: already do

this is what happened:
JaT added this language thing so he had to restart the gamemode so it restarted and then i was at the change class menu and then i couldnt pick the class cuz it said that yo uhave not chosen a language or somehting like that and you have to do /languagelist  but the admins said not do a cmd but i had to so i did /languagelist and then the gamemode restarted and then it happened like 5 times and i forgot to mention that i couldnt talk so when the thing was fixed i tried to say something but it came out as a % sign or nothing and then JaT banned me and like 6 or 5 or 4 other people but i couldnt post a bann appeal cuz my other accout was suspended untill augest 20th so i had to make this account and post this bann appeal.

please unbann me i didnt do anything and it didnt even say a reason why i was banned

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