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Topics - aristocracked17

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / AristoCracKeD's Ban Appeal
« on: June 29, 2011, 07:25:46 am »
In-Game Name:AristoCracKeD
Admin That Banned You:Ron
Reason Given By Admin:Hacks/ Cabbie Boost on SAMP
Are You Sorry:Yes i am , wont repeat it
Will you read and accept /rules?:Yes i truely accept.
Extra Info:I really didn't know that cabbie boosting is not allowed on WoS .
Talking about Usual stunting servers , CB is truely allowed there.Its my mistake i accept it .
I got a teaching from this.I wont repeat it from now itself.I'm sorry :S
- Aristo

Challenge : Best EDIT to a  Rock Song.

Aristo's Entry :

Stunta's Entry:

Watch 1080 p or 1070p HD :D
Please Vote Who's the Winner and Enjoy : the vG[VirtualGaming Edit Crew] vs IC [Infinal Clarity]

Videos And Screenshots / InfiNal Clarity Audi^^
« on: May 30, 2011, 07:26:51 am »
Here's My IC Audi.

Stunter : Electric

Editor : ME [ AristoCracKeD]

General / [SA]Duo
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:28:19 pm »
Hey Guys,
Mike_knight [MAK] and I Are making an San Andreas Duo.
Editor: Secret For Now.
DeadLine : End Of this Month.
If anyone want to Guest ,Please Let us know.

And if u wanna send Reps then Contact me at : or
my xFire : aristocracked17


[SA]DuO B/w Mike And AristoCracKeD

Modding / My new Mta Map.
« on: May 18, 2011, 08:05:14 am »
Hey Guys ,

I Made a pretty nice MTA :SA Stunting Map .
well it got many stunts including Loop2crane and all.>>i
ill Upload the pics tomorrow since is im pretty sleepy :D
So Preview will be available by tomorrow.

Hey guys.
this is my B'day Solo.
Released :25/4/2011
My B'day :26/4/2011
Guests : Mak and Pulp.
i Rendered HD and with good settings.
but the problem is youtube didnt accept my settings. thus ,240 PiXels
Anyways enjoy,
it was also gonna be my Audition to Infinal Clarity but That youtube Problem. "HD"
Sorry 4 that.
please accept me.

Pages: [1]