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Messages - Bellic

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Bellic is back too... for a while
« on: November 24, 2010, 07:53:02 am »
^^ Thank you guys xD

Introduce Yourself / Re: Bellic is back too... for a while
« on: November 23, 2010, 12:07:07 pm »
Thank you guys for a worming wb.
I hope to hear good things from now on 'till we will be old and can't press anymore the UP arrow when we're on bikes =))
Guys maybe the admin can email everybody and spam on Xfire with pm's to old users to make the christmas together, maybe we can get the old guys back for some hours on Christmas day, just to party, catch up a bit, and why not to record the meeting xD
This idea could turn into something big.

Introduce Yourself / Bellic is back too... for a while
« on: November 23, 2010, 03:27:52 am »
Hi guys,
is been a while since I last logged in but I see a lot of changes, changes are good but not all are respecting that rule, I see a new team and a new theme for SMF, new guys playing but less guys playing, less friendly, i see a lot of bugs on the wos script but I can see D3LL is working hard to repair it, didn't had the change to get acquaintance with him. When I got back I was glad for a thing, my house was still my house, but had a new crappy hnote, don't know what happened lol but now my house is gone =)) and the money I payed for it gone too, I can see I still got some money  but veeery little, I guess the financial crysis strucked me on WoS too =)) That's bad, I'm homeless now. Good luck D3LL with repairing the houses. And btw I can't see objects either, I did /objects on but no success.
All in all, I'm glad to see Cfox again, he was the only one that made me feel I was on the old WoS, with all the changes in it xD I see Alpha forgoted me xD I saw a Randy, but don't know if it's the OLD Randy, from exiled Abhi gang.
I saw Babanu, never had the change to speak with him, he still has his IDLE habbit but not like THEN. But I slept on his car for an hour with no signs of moving so that made me happy =)) Don't het rid of old habbits.
Can't wait to catch Floryn for a round of chat, is 3 days I never catched him, but I hadn't lost the hope xD
Goodbye Mike.
I hate that I don't get cockblocked in stunts anymore, in the old days people were fighting for their gangs, I see now there are some  prb with gangs, but nonetheless, there where so much people @joinbattle that we literally fight for a place to /s and we were cockblocking eachother =)) hope to see that back soon.
Anyways, I don't know how much I will stay, but I hope I will idle around for a while, but no matter how long I will be missing, I will always come back.
Cheers, Bellic.
Thanks for taking the time and reading.  [THUP]

Everything and Anything / Re: Post your: Xfire, XBOX Live/GFWL, Steam
« on: March 01, 2010, 09:18:45 am »
Xfire: bellicwos

please add!
lol. Cheers.

Ban Appeal. / Re: i didn't hack
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:01:36 pm »
Hi Nka, I guess he wasn't online, he didn't saw the posts, he will speak for himself.

AdminFace is that Alex from Prototype? :D
In my opinion that's a hard verdict. Read my other posts in this threads. But if that's your opinion I respect that and it's your call. I will stop posting here, I don't want to be missunderstood. I just hope you and Nka will get a good and specially WISE decision. xD Your's Bellic.

Ban Appeal. / Re: i didn't hack
« on: January 11, 2010, 12:06:43 pm »
OMG guys, chill. So much pain, so much anger and sorrow, for what, we are talking about Abhi like he is a GREAT GIANT MOSTER(sorry for caps) who killed half of globe. He lost what he won, i mean the turfs, so let him get them back, Nka will have the last decision and he knows Abhi, i suggest Nka to give him a second chance and he will monitor him. And I'm sure he can promise that he will never repeat the mistake. Please not flame, before posting here go and get a fresh breath of air, smell some flowers, see the sky and beyond, we are here to have fun :D Your's Bellic.

Ban Appeal. / Re: i didn't hack
« on: January 11, 2010, 11:31:23 am »
Hi, wow nice speed, come on guys, I never flamed and will never flame, I just want to say that it's the first time when he get's a ban, it's not like he spammed or anything, let's not overreact, Abhi it's not only an old user, he helped some of the guys from server, he worked hard on theArmyofNka, he even made his own gang and is a good leader, people respect him, and I request NKa19 to unban him. Why? Come on man, we're talking about Abhi, and he did that crazy hack, I gues he couldn't rezist, the temptation was to high. Even Adam(despite Eve's request and god's) didn't rezist temptation and eated the forbidden fruit. I guess and he didn't do it for himself, he did it for his GANG, he wanted respect for his gang from other members, he served his punishment, WE(i'm in ASG too) lost the 'turfs', he got banned 1 day, he didn't comit murder. Let's give him another chance dudes, we are here for fun not arguing, fighting and stuff like that, I'm sure he will not repeat his mistake, he learned his lesson, I mean I hope he learned something, he deserve a second chance! Yours, Bellic!

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