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Messages - DreadME

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Unban me plz...
« on: October 27, 2009, 03:13:19 am »
In-GameName: Daniel_Woodard
Age: 14
Admin That Banned You: MrBrooks
Reason Given By Admin: Ban Evading
Are You Sorry: VERY
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes, me and bro gone over..
Extra Info:

Right, MrBrook's banned me, why?, Ban evasion, why?, my bro was advertising a website, he didn't know this, so, he got a IP ban, i evaded it by resetting the router then flushing the whole ip system, this is really annoying as i did NOTHING other than want too play on my favorite server...

i am sorry for all the inconvenience me and my bro have caused you,

Please unban my ip..., my bro and i have gone over the rule's, and we will obey them...

Yours sincerely
Dread My Soul, it will devour you whole and you will not live so you better give.., <- my signature, as this is my name..

Pages: [1]