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Messages - Lwood262

Pages: [1]
Videos And Screenshots / Lwood262's stip club (/visit 81)
« on: September 26, 2009, 08:52:52 am »
This place is the shit no lie (thanks admino) but sence we dont have computerized stripers the players are kind enough to get down and dirty for us, post your photos of this wonderland of sex here and thank god for stripers!!!

Other Problems / Another bad admin
« on: September 16, 2009, 10:47:58 am »
I was on vent and Mcgruk had his friends on there and they were spaming the chat so i couldnt tell jay that some noob with a name like (assdasdsat77) was Dming, stunt blocking, and speed hacking me. so i type in /v seasparrow to go somewhere else to get away from the guy and when i press Ctrl to tell jay on vent that im just going to leave and ignor this guy he murders me for Dm?!?!?!?! when for the past 10 minutes i was telling jay hey look this guy is on an nrg and hes sending my cars flying everytime he taps them, and he wouldnt even let me get up.....

Other Problems / No admins, Lots of noobs
« on: September 14, 2009, 04:36:01 pm »
Iv been on the server for alittle over an hour now and theres so many flamers, spamers, admin inpersonaters, DMer's, and over all dicks on tonight. i was flying around with the jetpack on high grav and they report me for hacking amanda was quick to respond by laughing at them and asking me how i was doing  ^_^ I think this made the little 2 hour's mad. so they start trying to DM me in the hunter and hyrda and flaming me and if that werent bad enough other people came on advertizing porn and other servers one even came in asking for his gay lover.... no matter how many times i reported them noone came on to help. we need more US based admins people who can get on at the wierd hours of the day especily sence schools started back up, oh god some little dick realy pushed my buttons he asked where his 150k that he made was (he had only 1 hour at the time) i told him there was no way he made that much that quick, my name was redish at the time so i gess he thought i was an admin. he then demanded that i give him his 150k..... god dont you love noob scamers  :rolleyes: anyways just give what i said some thought, oh and yes i do have swine flu so back off!!!  :wacko:

Cheers - Logan (Lwood262)

Other Problems / impersonating an admin
« on: August 30, 2009, 06:10:22 am »
I was on the server today (despite all the crashs) haveing a good time with lone and shabz.
a guy came in with the name MRgurk saying that he was the real Mcgurk. mattz was on and i asked him to kick the guy for impersonating an admin. he said that he would watch for him, that was the first time. overall i complained about this guy acting like he was an admin and telling us that we were going to get banned less we follow what he says three seperate times with mattz just saying "thanks for telling me if he does it again ill kick him" i know its not that big of a deal but the guy was getting all the new players on the server to mess with us and it kind of sucked the fun out.

Regards, Lwood262 (Logan)

note: he was kicked after i asked a fourth time just to come back with the name MRgurky and still continued to act like the real deal, also mattz started pleaing with the guy to stop when i said just jail him because kicking was only agervating the situation.... mattz seamed alittle overloaded.... he just kept on kicking him and kicking him.... the guy only laughed at him when i was calmly trying to tell mattz "dont kick jail and mute"

General / lwood262's Monster Truck Rally
« on: August 28, 2009, 12:18:49 pm »
I'll personaly try to host my new un-offical race dayly at /airport3 /world 95
(we will only change worlds in the event that someone is stoping us from doing the rally)
and if im not there im sure MrBrooks or Jay will host it

The rules are as follow
1. only monster trucks are allowed, besides the bait.
2. the bait must be in either a forklife, sweeper, or caddy
3. noone may use /cargod or /vr
4. the race starts only after the bait starts a countdown
5. The next bait is the one who kills the first
6. if you blow up due to damage or get pushed into the water you have to sit the rest of the round out
7. you cant seat more then one person in any car
8. nos is allowed for everyones use
9. you win by either blowing up the bait, pushing him into the water, or blowing up all the other monster trucks
10. no Z Y Z flip or cardive allowed

ill add more rules as we work out the bugs

Be a good sport and yes this is MY idea so dont take credit for My idea!

Also we need a name for the rally so ideas are welcome

Other Problems / Houseing problem
« on: August 23, 2009, 11:32:40 am »
Me and a friend of mine have been saveing up money for alittle bit now but just when we go out looking for a house to buy we find out that they are all sold. so we go around seeing who owns the house and looking inside. some of the houses are owned by people that i havent seen on the server at all in the time that iv been on it and some are owned by the same person. i suggest that if the player hasnt been on for a set amount of time that you remove their house, or add more houses to the server. just a thought

Other Problems / Bad admin
« on: August 14, 2009, 10:22:07 am »
I was being flamed and DMed by some noob who wouldnt even let me move and was pming me saying all these deragative words and when i report it to an admin he doesnt do anything about it and the problem just worsens he wouldnt even let me get up and for some reason I would lock my cars and he would jack me anyways I keep on telling the admin (Mcgurk) what's happening. he spawns were I was haveing the issue and murders me as im trying to drive away from the flamer stateing that i need to get my own car??? iv been playing on the server for weeks now and iv never had a problem tell now

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