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Messages - Goudewup

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Goudewup's Ban appeal
« on: September 28, 2008, 11:28:56 am »
In-GameName: Goudewup
Age: 11
Admin That Banned You: Rax
Reason Given By Admin: Under age'd
Are You Sorry: uhh, yes?
Will you read and accept /rules?: Yes (i even did before posting a ban appeal so i am almost sure that this isnt wasting your time)
Extra Info:
Rax banned me for bieing 11 years old but the TOS says:
World Of Stunting does not accept responsibility for people under the legal age limit of the game playing in our server. This is the parents responsibility and they should abide by it
Wich means it is my parents problem that im playing this game, not his.
So please unbann me!

Modding / 3D Muscle bike model
« on: September 28, 2008, 06:09:03 am »
the sides of the bike are kinda boring you should ad something in it like some curves  
anyway nice job and find out how to export plz!  

Modding / World of stunting bikes
« on: September 28, 2008, 05:33:30 am »
woah! the right one looks rlly great!
im gonna use it, realy good work

Pages: [1]