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Messages - Marcos

Pages: [1]
General / Re: WoS World
« on: August 17, 2009, 03:27:37 pm »
im suprised that i saw my name there. thanks creative you always remember about me;] even when i am not allowed to be anywhere in wos area.
Kub out

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban appeal
« on: July 03, 2009, 01:24:36 pm »
ah! so this was mistake.i thought owner and menager of WoS is same person. i was wrong sorry about that. Would You concider my ban appeal only on forums? not server. just forums. Have a nice day


Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban appeal
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:40:42 pm »
well when You posted

"I will need to consult the manager of World Of Stunting about this, I'm not sure on his opinion, however you were also banned from the forums, so currently you are evading."

i replied did you counsult with menager my ban appeal (as you know its same person) it was joke from your side)

i said thats fun. somehow after that you said this is not joke and i got banned for 4 years which is strange to me.

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban appeal
« on: June 30, 2009, 09:25:09 am »

Ban Appeal. / Ban appeal
« on: June 30, 2009, 04:10:13 am »
Admin That Banned You:admino
Reason Given By Admin:Racism, Constant flaming
Are You Sorry:Actually yes. I was thinking about what i did and i realised that i made mistake by these things. from now no religion talk from me
Will you read and accept /rules?:like always yes
extra info: I have read my ban appeal again admino. from when i said its fun for me? from when its a joke? im not asking for game unban cuz i wont play gta samp anymore. i just want unban on forums. And please dont act immature please

Pages: [1]