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Messages - Stewo97000

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Bannedbb
« on: November 23, 2008, 09:41:50 am »
Admin That Banned You:creativegta
Reason Given By Admin:Flaming
Are You Sorry:Halfway..
Will you read and accept /rules?:Yea i will
Extra Info: Ok, there was this guy that Was like making front of jews (i don't remember his name.. And i said fuck you bitch i am i jew ( I shouldn't of did that i should of said HEY i am a jew

I thought it could of been a kick...

And Yea i was unbanned b/c i got a new computer (Macbook) and and i DO NOT HACK ANYMORE!! and i am not with [StUnT] anymore..

Yea if any of you guys ask Yea a mac isn't able to run Sa-Mp but with BootCamp (Windows) it is...

Ban Appeal. / Banned
« on: October 24, 2008, 04:40:55 pm »
i am not playing sa-mp anymore it is just a big mess

Ban Appeal. / Banned
« on: October 24, 2008, 03:45:50 pm »
WOW i did not know they did that but kirt never plays and i guess so yea but i will never do it again like Negi and Danny damn they made a stunting video and i wanted to be in it

ADDED: oh yea i was begging Sniping to stop but whatever he wold not and that is his problem

Ban Appeal. / Banned
« on: October 24, 2008, 03:17:25 pm »
Quote from: admino
Peer pressure?  
yea lol i should of not done it

Ban Appeal. / Banned
« on: October 24, 2008, 02:18:10 pm »
Admin That Banned You:I dont Remeber sorry
Reason Given By Admin:Hacking
Are You Sorry:Yea i am
Will you read and accept /rules?:Yes i will i promise
Extra Info:
Ok the reason i got banned is because i was using hacks admit but my friend that uses hacks all the time on some other server he told me that it was awsome and i was like ok i guess i will try it and i should not have so yea that is why i am banned

Plus my and Snipings whole Clan [StUnT] is on WoS and that will suck if i cant manage it

General / just wanna ask a ?
« on: July 08, 2008, 06:04:23 am »
the whole time i have been on the world of stunting server i have never asked how to be a admin but i kinda know the ovius reasons like dont ask and you got to be miture and help out a lot i am just asking i thought this would be the right place so give me a heads up if i cant ask here

General / THE [StUnT] GROUP (Clan)
« on: July 03, 2008, 11:59:56 am »
ok sorry i just want see if people will like my clan and snipings clan and join it

General / THE [StUnT] GROUP (Clan)
« on: July 02, 2008, 10:59:19 am »
ok if u wanna join u gotta meet me ([StUnT]ShadowKil) and the other admin ([StUnT]Sniping) at the server in /airport so just giving u the heads up

U GOTTA BE GOOD AT STUNTS if u are horrible we will ask u to to leave our clan     AND NO OTHER ADMINS OK? SORRZ

       my name is like kil insted if Kill becouse it only alowed 16 letters               and this is not the really famous [StUnT] clan

it sucks that u cant put this [] in ur Desplay name                               WE NEED A PERSON TO MAKE A SERVER PLEASE ME AND      
                                                                                               SNIPING WANT A PERSON TO MAKE A SERVER

                                     IF THERE IS A ADMIN AND SEES A PERSON CALLED Sniper NOT SNIPING that is the other admin and i want him to change his name bacouse it is so close to Sniping PLEASE TELL HIM THE GET OFF THE CLAN i cant do that i am only the admin of the clan not server

Pages: [1]