September 28, 2024, 02:54:54 pm

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Messages - p3pp3r

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / banned
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:47:20 am »
i just didnt know it was hacking wtf. i was searching mods and get that program.
sry pls unban me.

regards, p3pp3r

Im sorry you thought i hacked i didnt know it either. I have a new mod script program [name deleted: Against rules and ToS].
i was curious if it worked on samp yes it worked so i was superman.
im sorry for this.

Admin That Banned You:stumpy
Reason Given By Admin:hacks
Are You Sorry:yes ofc.
Will you read and accept /rules?:yes yes already did
Extra Info:it was just a mistake

Pages: [1]