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Messages - 91909

Pages: [1]
Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of yourself
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:19:27 am »
Nice car 91909, i remember when my grandfather drove that one. Too bad he died few years ago :/

Thanks both of you, I'm sorry for your grandfather Sasquatch. :/

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello.
« on: June 15, 2011, 03:51:50 am »
haha, thank you all for the kind words. ^^ :)  I'm happy to back on the friendliest server. :D

And lol, 2/3 of my cars have been in the family. :P

Ahh, this and One and one, I remember both, both are so good. <3

Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of yourself
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:10:37 pm »
I guess I'm forced to have this old & lame photo of me here. Since the damn site won't upload anything. :(

Sorry how big it is. :/

Introduce Yourself / Hello.
« on: June 14, 2011, 05:48:09 pm »
Hello all, I'm 91909, I joined first in 2010, but then the server got owner change and i took a lil break :)

I'm 17.. and own a '87 FIAT UNO, '88 Skoda 105 L and a '89 Skoda 120L ^^ LOVE EM!

Also, am a noob on the server. ;p

I LOVE CARS, i also like abandoned places, like farms, houses, cars, valleys etc. :D 

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