September 28, 2024, 01:59:35 pm

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Messages - Uk_Skate

Pages: [1]
Other Problems / Can't login on the server. :S
« on: February 28, 2010, 06:21:55 am »
Hey guys, i'm an old timer on WOS, i'v not played for about 2 years and need some help.
It won't let me login on the server so i can speak. I'v just changed my password for it and still it does not want to work. :S
Any idea what i'm doing wrong?  :rolleyes:

Ban Appeal. / [s0s]Agel_0wns ban appeal
« on: September 21, 2008, 02:34:30 am »
Hello Uk_Skate here. I heard and I HEARDED about my GOOD mate Angel_0wns has been banned by "asking admin" and he didn't ask it he tried to ask a trial to s0s (Trial stunting so he can join us, samp0stunters) So please unban him because no reason? And then we can play again in team on WoS (Amazing Stunt server <3 ) -Uk_Skate

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