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Messages - [WoS]FlameGlory

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Introducing [WoS]FlameGlory
« on: September 09, 2009, 08:36:45 am »
Well, hello all!  :blink:

I'm playing for a while on WoS now, and I liked this server most of all servers I've ever played on, so I tought, im going to join it!! And well, lucky shit as I am, at the same moment I tought about that, I win the freakin' lotto, so I'm VIP already  :lol:

Well, other servers I've played on are... Stunt Planet (Is gone now), Protect the President (Started to bore...) and The Sumo Server (Started to bore too...)

I'm currently playing for like 2 weeks now in this server and know some of the admins already, like Jay, admino and some other.. most time I'm online is between 15:00 to 21:00 (GMT+01:00)

Something about myself.
Well, I'm 13 years old, I live in The Netherlands and I'm very familliar with talking English (You should see I spelled familliar wrong lol thats one stupid word) Well I'm in second class off High school and I'm doing the HAVO grade...

Well thats like everything I think... Bye =D

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